I'm getting through the morning, but not in the most positive way. I'm going to talk to the psychiatrist and therapist about drugs/ behavioural approaches to obsessive thoughts: they really do lead to a spiral.
I am prone to that, too, and I thought for awhile I might have some form of OCD. But it turned out to be caused by anxiety, caused by funny seratonin imbalance (and lack of sleep caused by it). Probably the imbalance is caused by a number of things, too, for instance a really weird childhood! who knows-- now that it's fixed I don't care the reason.
At any rate, I know exactly what you mean, with the spirals and the fog.
My experience, and yours may not be the same, is that the *same day* that I started taking the meds prescribed me, I felt a little bit of sky opening up, the fog going away. Two days after I started taking them I actually had the sensation of the sun coming out in my head, burning all of the sludgy stuff away and really helping me stay clear. It was amazing. And it helped me start to deal with the real stuff that I had avoided thinking about (e.g., crazy childhood, including abuse). So it helped healing in about 10 ways.
It took me years to go to the doctor because I thought a successful professional fabulously perfect person like me should be able to get by without medicine. Now I am pretty mad at myself for not going years ago.
Just one person's story! But I hope it is your story, too