Author Topic: What's your take on this?  (Read 9454 times)


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What's your take on this?
« on: April 14, 2005, 12:42:51 PM »
Hi All:

I'm a little weary to post this since it could clue in any lurking N of my identity but I'm feeling risky today.

This is part of an email I sent to X N defending myself against one of his false claims.  The mention of DK is the noteworthy part:

Secondly the email was sent Tuesday while you were still home and before you departed for your fishing vacation with Dennis K.

The following is X N's response which was triggered by me mentioning the name DK:

In response to your latest of e-mails, you have certainly reinforced my reasons for engaging counsel to have to deal with court order issues. Once again you are overwhelming with the numerous allegations and most recently with the invasion of my Associates privacy. To what business is it of yours to whom I am working with? Be advised that I intend to have a inquiry done to verify the identification and times of any requests for public information records made to any public agency about Mr.K recently. I can't understand how this is going to help us resolve our differences, but it certainly shows you are willing to go to great lengths to cause trouble with my Clients and Associates. Any violations of the privacy act will be reported to the proper authorities. In an effort to avoid such, I will accept a written apology and signed by all parties involved in violating my right to privacy by tomorrow evening, April 15, 2005.

Any thoughts on his mindset?  I merely mentioned the guy's name...nothing more....nothing less.


Guest from afar

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All I can say
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2005, 01:09:17 PM »

He sounds like a horrible, horrible person.  :(  

I can't say whether he is N or paranoid or something else, but he's certainly as mean as they come. I hope you have some support and professional advice to deal with all this. I would not know where to begin. The sooner you shake off this man from your life, the better.

S - "Guest from afar"

bunny as guest

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What's your take on this?
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2005, 01:44:40 PM »
My take on it is that he will use any lame excuse to intimidate you. I would ignore this thing completely. It's just a bunch of crap.

sorry he is such an a**.



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What's your take on this?
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2005, 01:59:39 PM »
First of all, how is accessing public information some affront to him or his clients?
Second, he is obviously feeling some heat and stress, and has something to hide.  They only squeal when their tail's caught in the door.
Third, whats going to happen if you don't apologize? Is he going to huff and puff and blllllllowwwwww your house in? He's a squealing little pig not a wolf! :roll:
A request of a public agency for public information is by definition not an invasion of anyone's privacy.

Ignore it or tell him to blow it out his pig hole. :twisted:



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What's your take on this?
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2005, 03:00:21 PM »
I can't say whether he is N or paranoid or something else,

Well, I'll say it for you...he's both. :wink:    Crazy as a loon this one is.

My take on it is that he will use any lame excuse to intimidate you

In the past I let him intimidate me.  No more of that though. This was a pathetic attempt at intimidation.

First of all, how is accessing public information some affront to him or his clients?

My thoughts exactly.  These sorts of statements are typical of him.

Third, whats going to happen if you don't apologize? Is he going to huff and puff and blllllllowwwwww your house in? He's a squealing little pig not a wolf!  

This is classic.  Thanks Mud.  I had to call hubby and tell him what you wrote.  We both got a kick out of this.  I almost feel like saying it to X N when he picks up the kids for dinner tonight.  But of course I won't...for the sake of the kids.   Enjoyed the laugh.  :lol:

Keep in mind this was only a small portion of his email.  



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What's your take on this?
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2005, 03:29:47 PM »
Hi Mia,
First of all KUDOS to you for remaining so level headed while dealing with this nut. What kind of clients does he have, is he a lawyer, I can't tell.

When my NXH was acting like that I found out that he was abusing prescription drugs.  SOMETHING is very wrong with him because demanding an apology with no leverage is tactically a stupid move. WAIT, I could be reading too much into it, maybe he IS just stupid, LOL.

Anyway, when my NXH acts like that I find it best to not correspond thru email but rather use the phone and cut off any of his outbursts by stating the obvious- "I'm not scared of you."

And good for you for not subjecting your kids tohaving ti hear that kind of verbal harrassment.



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What's your take on this?
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2005, 03:38:25 PM »

I'm speechless (yes, it does happen on occasion).  I'm sorry that you have to continue to be associated with this wack job.  I also applaud your constraint at not driving to his home and beating him senseless, although I'm sure you have wanted to on any number of occasions.

Thank God your children have you to come home to.




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What's your take on this?
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2005, 04:09:08 PM »
How about this response:

"Dear Nutbar X:  (Maybe leave the nutbar part out)

Thankyou for your email dated such and such.
Sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather.

Hope you get well soon.

Love and Kisses,  (maybe leave this part out too :D )


Either that or ignor it completely.

What nonsense he spews! :roll:



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Re: What's your take on this?
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2005, 04:56:18 PM »
Quote from: miaxo

Any thoughts on his mindset?  I merely mentioned the guy's name...nothing more....nothing less.


My ex tries this one sometimes.  Frighten me with legal terms and lawyers.  Except it is not scarey, only pathetic.

Generally it leads me to reply to the solicitors and tell them very politely that they have no legal case whatever, but that if they want to contest it in court nonetheless, I will see them there.  I have yet to have any of them willing to try.

My response would therefore be along the following lines:

Due to the intemperate and disproportionate tenor of your reply to my email, please be advised that in future any and all correspondence between us will be handled by my solicitors: (name)

Stormchild Guesting

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What's your take on this?
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2005, 06:57:04 PM »
Mia, do you have a fireplace? And is it still cool enough in the evenings for you to use it?

Very therapeutic ritual: print out a bunch of these flaming missives and -- flame them yourself. Use them as tinder to get a small log going. As they turn to ashes, feel his ability to threaten you with anything real crumbling to dust.

Then roast marshmallows for you and the kids. Heh heh heh.

If you don't have a fireplace, tearing them into little itty bitty teeny weeny pieces is almost as good. Then you scatter the itty bitty teeny weeny pieces in every trashcan in the house. Or put them into the bottom of the same plastic bag you put the used kitty litter in... ahh, the symbolism... you dump on me, OK, I dump on you, with help from Kitty...

hope this has given you some creative ideas -- enjoy.



miaxo guesting

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What's your take on this?
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2005, 09:37:12 PM »
What kind of clients does he have, is he a lawyer, I can't tell.

He's management.

WAIT, I could be reading too much into it, maybe he IS just stupid, LOL.

Stupid is, Stupid does.  :lol:

brigid wrote:
I also applaud your constraint at not driving to his home and beating him senseless, although I'm sure you have wanted to on any number of occasions.

Amen to that!  I have been known to punch the h#ll out of my pillow pretending it is X N.   :wink:

Love that letter to Mr. Nutbar.  

October wrote:
My ex tries this one sometimes. Frighten me with legal terms and lawyers. Except it is not scarey, only pathetic.

Who do they think they are kidding?

Thanks Robin for the supportive words.

I do have a fireplace.  Too warm to use it but I will keep it in mind.  Sounds cathartic.  

I'll let you guys know how I end up responding....if at all.  I really don't want to waste my time or energy doing so.

I guess the clock is ticking on that apology.   :)   One more email to add to the already overflowing folder that shows how nutty he really is. Gotta focus on the positive.



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What's your take on this?
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2005, 08:39:58 AM »

Gotta focus on the positive.

You bet!! Uh huh!!  Go girl!!


vunil as guest

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What's your take on this?
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2005, 01:40:43 PM »
Oh, my-- you appear to have an N with extreme paranoid tendencies!  How lovely.  Maybe you should write back:

Dear person with TWO personality disorders:

Alas, you caught me.  I have been monitoring everything you do, and everyone you associate with.  Alas, it is not my fault.  I was contacted by space aliens who find you to be FASCINATING and PERFECT in every way and they insisted I find out everything I could about you for them.  They even want to know the names of people you spend time with.

There is something you can do.  Their monitoring systems operate through electricity.  So, just disconnect all of the electricity in your house.  Also, they are able to send special messages to me through water, so you will need also to convert all of your plumbing to outdoor plumbing.  They abhor outhouses, so I would build a few of those.

Also, in case you are wondering, we have discovered that Dennis is not really a person.  He is a robot.  He was created solely for the purpose of accompanying you to activities, because the Warlords realize that you are the supreme being of the universe and they want to know everything that you do without corrupting your activities with inferior human.

Person who is done with you, hooray

(Sorry-- I have known paranoid people and while it may not be politically correct it is very fun to make fun of them).

how soon can you be rid with this guy forever?  Hang in there!



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What's your take on this?
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2005, 02:07:38 PM »
Alas, you caught me. I have been monitoring everything you do, and everyone you associate with. Alas, it is not my fault. I was contacted by space aliens who find you to be FASCINATING and PERFECT in every way and they insisted I find out everything I could about you for them. They even want to know the names of people you spend time with.

I think if I wrote this he would be in a straight jacket in no time flat.
 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Also, in case you are wondering, we have discovered that Dennis is not really a person. He is a robot. He was created solely for the purpose of accompanying you to activities, because the Warlords realize that you are the supreme being of the universe and they want to know everything that you do without corrupting your activities with inferior human.

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:   Who's writing your material?  :wink:  It's fantastic!

how soon can you be rid with this guy forever?

Not soon enough!  Kids are only 5 and 7. Short of him dropping dead tomorrow he'll be a thorn in my side for some time to come.

Thanks for the making me laugh.  I needed that today.


vunil as guest

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What's your take on this?
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2005, 02:42:06 PM »
You're welcome :)

If you want more empowerment in the form of knowledge, you could read up on paranoid personality disorder.  Who knows if he has the full-blown thing, but he certainly has tendencies.  

I know you're too close to it now to fully laugh at it, but his e-mail to you was utterly insanely hilarious.  I love all of the capital letters: my Associates, etc.  And he gave you a deadline for your apology!  Priceless.

Actually, he reminds me of how my dad acted in my childhood :(  It was always a little terrifying to watch him invent new ways to prove he was in control.  And the more he did it, the less I respected him.  So the more he did it.