Oh, Boy, Mia. When I read your first post, my stomache flipped and I had the same panic reaction that I have when my ex sends me emails. They are clones! Truly unbelievable, it's as if he wrote it. Same aggressive tone, same threats.... Scary, sick, wack jobs. And yes, I know you have to deal with him... and I know why you don't just get in his face....the kids. They use our good mothering against us always. But that's ok. It's something they also hate about us and something they will never control (that's whythey hate it!).
I would not bring that email in to the counselor and then give her your opnion of it. At least in my state, everybody is all paranoid about Parental Alienation Syndrome (it's a crock, and a real pain to deal with in the courts...but it gets thrown around a lot). You told me before that you have usually prevailed by staying focused on the kids. I think you should stick with that.
If you do take it to the counselor, talk to your lawyer first. The counselor you refer to is the kid's counselor, right? (not yours?). This may make a difference. We ALL know that this stuff indirectly affects the children 9all us sane people anyway)........but I woul be treading lightly, because in this good ol boy state, women/mothers are always suspected of being bitter (regardless of how abusive the nut job father is).
My technique for dealing with that crap? "recieved email". THAT'S IT!
Let your lawyer be your boundary....that's what I have recently learned to do to take care of myself emotionally.
You might then say: "recieved email, forwarded to my attorney."
Bless you Mia.......and judging from the other posts we are not the only ones having to deal with this crap on a daily basis. Strenght in numbers!