((((((mia)))))). Hang in there, sister. You know I feel for you.
Getting the N's to expose themselves feels like such futility. I've decided to take as much energy as I can away from my exN. He demands my energy with constant threats, etc. as well. I respond as little as legally possible. I know I am in a better position than you are, with my kids being older, but it's not as if he suddenly "hears" them, though.
I've decided to let my attorney hold my boundaries. I've decided that if I start spending any thinking energy on him that I: stop, wait, not react right away. Just sit. then I decide whether to scream (first choice) alone or to my fiance, and then do what ever I can to say "this is insanity.....I won't hold onto this.....there is no rhyme or reason so don't bother with it" and let it go (takes a while...lots of visulization and breathing).
If it is something for my lawyer to deal with, I let her.
Then I tell myself to think about something else that I WANT (as opposed to what I don't want)....my thoughts are my own, so I get to decide: my personal favorites: what I am going to do with all my money when I am rich/win the lottery.....picturing my perfect home (that I designed, of course)....vacationing with kids and no ex in sight, etc etc. And I try to be grateful for what I do have right now that is wonderful (my health, my family, my kids, my house, my dogs....)
I have found out, in the midst of all this, that the best thing I can do for my kids is NOT actually fight my ex actively, but subversively. How?
I get happy. I show my kids the other way to do life. They like being around me because I am not always angry and worried.....they feel safer and more centered around ME. They see thier father and his wife obsessing and angry and scheming and controlling and negating ....and they want to be happy instead.
It's extremely hard to pull my energy away from this man, but if I can spend even half of that energy spent resisting what I DON"T WANT, and turn it into creating what I DO WANT, then I could be pretty darn happy.
I think this is what your BIL was talking about maybe.