First, d's mom, thanks for the link. Quite a bit to digest, but as an overall essay, that is the best piece I have ever seen. Thanks!
the latest n-man in my life treated everything like this- even when I told him I was getting a puppy he said, 'a dog's a great social ice-breaker'...everything has to be useful to be valued.
I so agree, this is a good observation. Sure, many of us would think or say something like this once in a while, but with a N, it's ALL ABOUT using and appearances and how they can use something to make themselves look good. It's never about pure feelings. Even in the essay from that url it stated that these people have absolutely no altruism. Funny, but my exN referred to the OW (now his wife) as doing something that had to do with a "charity" BARF. She belongs to a NON-PROFIT organization that has a cultural benefit, but it is NOT a CHARITY!! No one needy is getting any benefit from what this organization does!! BUT to my exN, he refers to it as a charity. Inflated, distorted, self-important. uggghhhh. Man, when he said this, I had all I could do .... (bleeding heart here, mind you .... wink!)
Over the time my exN was in therapy, I often wondered why the heck he went when it seemed to make absolutely no difference. I thought he went out of "habit" , part of a routine, and strangely enough, to have one "over on me" like he held it over me that he went some place to talk to someone about his problems that he could not talk about with me. I can't explain the feeling, but it made me very uncomfortable, like I said, like he was "using" therapy as a means to another end. As the essay points out, everything is a means to an end for a N.
Insofar as men hating women ... I think many men have contempt for women. I think they are socially conditioned, to this day, to feel superior to women and since we are stronger and more self sufficient than ever, many men do not know how to put that into context. So you really have to put "wiring" (as Brigid said in an earlier post) into account because it simply cannot be entirely social conditioning.
Have a good Saturday, hopefully a peaceful one.
New Day