Hi everyone,
Just thought I'd jump back in.
I agree that a
minority of men 'hate' women in the sense that word is usually used. I used a poor choice of words in my original post.
It is also a minority of men who, maybe don't rise to the level of hating, but just dislike women as a sex.
There is also a minority of men who don't really think of women as much more than an object rather than a person.
A very significant minority of men, maybe even a majority think women are inferior to men either emotionally or intellectually.
All these groups overlap and they all approach women, as a group, with an unhealthy attitude. Whether it comes under the title of disdain or varyng degrees of contempt is up to the eye of the beholder.
And the men who 'merely' think men are superior to women may not be as clearly contemptuous of women as the other groups but they are the group most likely to hide their disdain and the group most likely to be of the two faced variety; friendly and sweet around women and contemptuous behind their backs. They're also the largest subgroup.
I have no idea what the total percentage is of men with all or some of these attitudes, but I am certain it is a majority.
It certainly has been for the men I have known over the years.
The good news is, that leaves the rest of us (35-45%, who knows) that don't feel that way. I'm not claiming to be the lone, wunnerful, wunnerful man in existence. Thirty or forty% is still millions and millions of men.
And that still leaves room for me to be a jerk in any number of other ways.
To paraphrase Martin Luther King, People should be judged by the content of their character, not the soft, silky, Oil of Olay smoothness of their skin.

In my experience that usually doesn't happen when a man meets a woman.
The church thing. In medium sized and larger churches it is a well known problem that many single men are there for the sole purpose of finding a 'good' woman. (Maybe even some of the married men.

) There are a lot of men who enjoy watching lap dancers and porn stars in their leisure time but there aren't a whole lot who want to marry one.
Single women also have a problem in church in that they are often seen (usually incorrectly) as a threat to the married women.
I'd guess that single women are harrassed in church about equally between men and women.
Churches are just made up of flawed people like any other instititution and at most churches probably a minority of the people in them are truly trying to live by Christ's standards. Sad but true.
As far as the men I described as having IQs in the room temperature range, that is entirely possible. But thats another can of worms altogether.
I have to confess it is a novel experience for me to be told by a group of women that men aren't as bad as I say they are.

Usually its either "amen brother" or I start slinking down in my chair cause the war stories start flying back and forth and I'm afraid the natives might get a tad restless having one of the brethren in their midst.
At that point I usually slide out the back door and find a male friend to commiserate with, about how irrational and silly women are (as we scratch our bellies).

Just a joshin'.