Hi bunny,
Try not to be depressed by it. I mean, just because those are the people I have run into doesn't mean it changes your world any. Maybe you are in a sweet spot where there aren't as many goof balls.
There is also the possibility that, given the malleability of human behavior, depending on its environment, that many of the men who say they believe in the inferiority of women may only be saying it because they think that is what they're supposed to say around a bunch of guys. Maybe the untrue part of their two facedness (new word?) is when they're around the other guys and they're being honest when they treat women with respect. Could very well be.
Peer pressure certainly doesn't stop at adolescence. And the peers who exert the most pressure in a group are often the biggest chumps with the strongest opinions, so maybe its better than I think. I hope so.
I admit to being a might cynical about human behavior. But I'm also an optimist. I'm not sure how to reconcile those two things but its fun trying.
Next time I hear one of these goofs I'll use your technique and tell him to clam up. Maybe it will open his eyes. Or close one of mine.
PS. I couldn't quite grasp what you were saying about your friend.
Does she
really like men now or do you think she just changed her tune because you disapproved but hasn't really changed her attitude?