So why are there about well, zero cases of men stuck with an N wife here?
Other than my own therapy, I have 0 psychological knowledge, but I'll throw in my 2 cents anyway. I think it has something to do with the differences in the way men and women are wired. I am going to generalize here and I obviously know there are always exceptions (necessary disclaimer

I think, for one thing, that most men do not question the level of intimacy in their relationships. We all know that most men cringe, run, hide under the coffee table, whatever, when their significant other suggests "that we need to talk." In most cases (my H being a big exception), men might have issue with a lack of physical intimacy, but probably not with the mental aspect of it (might be totally relieved, in fact).
I also think men have perfected "tuning out" better and if their wife is ranting or raving, they just don't hear it. They also may not internalize the negative crap being thrown their way to the same extent (if they are basically mentally healthy to begin with). We all know that boys can hurl stuff at each other one day and be pals the next. Not so with girls.
From what I've read on this site from people raised by N mothers, their Nness tended to be more incidious and sneaky, than raging and outwardly nasty. The husband may not be all that aware of what is going on.
Or maybe they were raised by an N or BPD mother and they think all women are like that. After all, many of us ladies raised by N fathers went on to choose N husbands.
All that being said, I also think that more men end up with this disorder because they probably didn't let it out over time, thought that therapy was for woosies and just kept sliding into the abyss.
I may be totally full of sh*# here, but it is an interesting discussion, nonetheless.