write, you did nothing wrong, this psychiatrist is a flaming nincompoop with the emphasis on flaming and poop, and it's totally reasonable to jettison her immediately.
since you write well you may be able to make a magnificently credible complaint against her, if you feel up to it. don't push yourself in that respect if you don't. But do keep any notes you made - one never knows what the future holds, someone you know may end up dealing with this idiot someday, or may encounter similar dysfunction.
please don't be discouraged by this. In 20 years, living in five widely separated places (two coasts, two continents and the UK) I have dealt with six different mental health professionals. I had to drop two of them.
One was male, and sided with the alcoholic who was abusing me (who had been sober when I became involved with him. No, make that dry) until the alcoholic dysfunction erupted in the middle of a counseling session... by which time it was too late, as far as I was concerned, and even though the therapist apologized, I had no confidence left in his discernment.
The other one was female, and just resented the hell out of me for some reason, and decided to get back at me for this resentment by trying to stick me with a permanent label when what I was seeing her for was a temporary problem (bereavement). She was nasty and judgmental and the stronger I became the meaner she got.
That's about one-third flaming poops. The other two thirds were and are excellent kind decent committed caring people.
Finally - in some of the jobs I have held, I have worked with physicians of various types, including psychiatrists. Sometimes they've been in active practice, sometimes in research, sometimes in development. But I have seen some real nightmares... including two psychiatric professionals (one male, one female) who suffered from N-type disorders of some kind to an extent that virtually incapacitated them in terms of daily life, never mind what it would do if they were seeing patients. Which, thank god, they were not.
Yet these obvious oiks made it into and through medical school with psych training. I asked each of them, and it turns out they both refused 'teaching therapy', which every shrink is supposed to go through (physician, heal thyself) before being turned loose on patients. But, alas, it's not compulsory, and the profession does nothing to weed these types out.
There are good ones out there, but the profession itself will not help you find them, nor will it shield you from the bad ones. At least, not in the States. If you're in the UK you may have some help that we don't, in that regard.
Best of luck to you, please don't give up on this. A good therapist is worth his or her weight in rhodium (costs a LOT more than gold).