Guest Peach I am going to try this incognito entrance because I think it is sorta mysterious. Lord knows my life is hum drum without all of the N drama. Damn that feels kinda good to be able to say that.
Anyhow, this is Jaded and I just wanted to thank ya for the information about Sam. Sometimes if I think deep about a subject I have even deeper questions that arise. I was thinking about some of the people who have the authority to advise others. For example Sam: Yes he is talking from his own experience but if we take what he has to say as the gospel, he is contradicting what he says a N is. Its kind of like a habitual bank robber informing a bank how to secure their bank from himself. So if Sam believes what he says is the truth, why hasnt he mended his whicked ways? It is obvious he is only giving his lip service to the cause, not really putting his heart and soul into his efforts to mending his N self. I dunno, it becomes so mind boggling trying to figure it out.
Then I think of a priest giving marriage advice to a couple. Alrighty, ya just know his advice is learned material, he has not live it, never been married, so how would he know the feelings, mechanics of it, and the depth of marriage if he hasnt experienced those feelings?
I read about NPD before and I thought it was confusing and I really didnt care much to learn more about it. I moved on with my studies never thought it would be knowledge I would need, so it did not really have a big impact on me. Years later I lived it and all of a sudden the word NPD took on a new meaning to me. It wasnt just words on a page, it was real and it was now my life and I realised how those words in that book did not even begin to desribe the affects of the ordeal or the aftermath of it. So I guess I know from being involved with a N, Nothing that comes out of their mouths I believe. He is speaking from experience unlike a priest who gives marriage counseling, but I dont know, it just gives me the same gut feeling I had with my N.
Because I experienced my xN saying all the right things at all the right times, I am wondering if I am better off learning from someone who has not lived it but learned it, or from someone who confesses openly as a full blown N. He has lived it and displays it openly while he advises others how to avoid the likes of himself.