Let me begin by saying thank you for voicing your opinion in a manner which is appropriate. You talked civil, you offer others the chance to respond, you are not trying to force your opinion to be the gospel, and you did not come blasing in without facts to back your opinion up.
Thank you very much for behaving in a manner which states your opinion and allows others the chance to rebuttle if they wished.
I am not saying I disagree or agree with your opinion. My problem is I never got that chance. Hope posted and she made numerous valid points and I really am a strong believer that everyone has the right to voice. But ya have to also give others the respect to do the same. Not saying anyones opinion is right or wrong, it should be an option for everyone.
No matter what Herm did or did not do she chose to leave the board and she deserved the respect of others seeing the post. Now as far as what you said about the N posts, that I know nothing of so I will continue to practice what I always have. If I do not know all the facts about something, it is not my business to put my two cents in. Dunno about what you said but I respect you for presenting your opinion without a FULL Blown attack.
I am sure everyone has N traits in some form or another. I can honestly state that I am not a N, I am not capable of being a N, and I would be damned if I would be a N. The behavior sickens me and the thought of inflicting harm onto others like they do, in that manner, no can't say it appeals to me. Not even to my worst enemies could I behave that way.
I have no hard feelings for anyone on that board. I am not condoning Sands behavior but I chose to pick better things to worry about right now. I got alot of valuable information from some on that board. I will be greatful for the valuable information I learned from some on that board.
I am just sticking to people right now that give unconditional support. People who have not gave me reason to not trust them. It is actually hard to know what you can trust anymore. But I am trusting my gut feeling from this day forward. I say it is safe here for posting, and what more could ya ask for.
Best of luck to everyone on the other board. I wish them no harm, I am just ready to pick my battles by their significance. I think we have all stated our opinion. I will speak for myself when I say that I am here to get and give support which is what my intentions were at N-Partners.