Hey Denise:
Just popping in again on my way back out ('cause I've been thinking of you and hoping things are going a little better for you..even got a couple of prayers in there...

Would it sound terrible to say at the moment no we are not connected, me and my eldest daughter use to be really close, she moved out b4 christmas cos she couldnt cope, and i feel the bond we had has gone,
See what you said, Denise? "at the moment". For now, right? This lack of close connection isn't permanent, right? Absolutely you can improve your relationship with her...your connection together. And no, it doesn't sound terrible...it sounds like she has the strength to self-preserve herself....that's a good sign...that she takes steps to look our for herself. That's a good thing. You must have done something right to have a daughter who is this confident and assured, who moves out and onward, when she feels unable to cope. She is doing what feels right for her. That's ok, right?
IMO, the bond between you isn't gone. It's just stressed right now because of the way you are feeling. Once you feel better, which will happen in the future, you can work on strengthening that bond (and even now.....you could work on it a little....write little notes to her....tell her what you like about her....how much you love her.....miss her....respect her for looking after herself etc...and give them to her, if you feel it is the right time).
i know i have hurt them deeply
Look, Denise, there is no such thing as a perfect parent. We all make some mistakes and do some things wrong. It's impossible to do otherwise. If you were really physically ill and hospitalized, you would surely, not of your choice, be unable to nuture and care for your children during that time period. Right now...you are not feeling very well, correct? You are unavailable, in some ways, that you used to be available for them. Is this your choice? Your doing? Are you responsible for the trauma that is welling up and tormenting you? Please don't allow the guilt of all of that to get under your skin and lay there or take hold. That's no use and the guilt is deceiving you. I bet it's not your choice to feel this way. I bet you didn't ask for trauma, or for it to well up. I bet you'd rather be tormented by something easier to extinguish......like cockroaches or a leaky roof. Those can be sprayed away or patched up. This emotional stuff....it's not that easy to repair.
It is repairable.....but it takes longer and more care than just a spray of this or a patch of that.
The thing to do is take care of you...in what ever ways you can....which will help you to be a better mom, the best mom you can be. I know it's tempting to feel guilty and sorry, and you can express that to them, if you truly feel there are things that you should try to repair....but the damage..Denise.....is mostly your own suffering. They are living their lives, right? You are doing stuff to try to help yourself too. So that's good.
Whatever eases your suffering...in the healthiest possible way...is good for you and something you can try for.
so i take refuge to my room, this makes me sound terrible as a mum.
No it doesn't. I totally disagree with you. It makes you sound like a mum who is unable to stand a whole lot of stimuli at this time, because of anxiety and stress. It makes you sound like a person who is doing something to preserve your sanity....by leaving a room that feels too loud and intrusive. It makes you sound like a mum who cares about her children but who is feeling powerless to relate/interact appropriately...because of inner turmoil??? Possibly??? And it is a perfectly reasonable, healthy thing to do...retire to your room....if that feels better. It might help them....if you could just say that. Maybe you could try? "Sorry, I need a break from all the stimuli. It feels too much."
Keep trying Denise. Hold onto the idea that this is just the way things are: "at the moment".
This won't last forever. You can and will take more and more steps to feel better and better. It isn't going to happen over night. But it will happen.
Glad you're still posting. Good for you.

Keep doing that!