thanks so much everyone, for writing back & all your thoughts. it really helps me feel better.
overall, i was glad that people could feel the sense of misery and powerlessness coming through her words. that was something that I was hoping others would feel.
thanks also for your compliments

i guess its not just cause im her mom that I think shes intelligent and talented
as far as showing that i am alarmed: I agree with you all, not to react or overreact to these things. she has written to me also that im the only person that understands her and listens to her (ALL of her !

) and she thanks me for that. i do not repress or discourage anything she does, although, if she were living with me, we would be in a lot of therapy right now..... although, if she were living with me, theres also no doubt shed have no need to do much of this stuff. im really sure its a reaction to her environment.
re DID: ive spent a lot of time on support groups for people who do have all range cases of multiple personalities.... (among other conditions) what I know about DID, it exists on a spectrum for mild spacing out, all the way to full blown multiple personalities that function independently of each other. she says little things... that i just recognise as red flags, from knowing all these people. for instance most people dont talk about 'switching' just spontaneously. thats kind of insider term. i know from how she talks, it comes from her own experience, she didnt just hear it somewhere.
I do agree, its a coping technique, a function of a creative and resourceful mind, and I encourage her to do what she needs.... it doesnt bother me other than feeling its a sign shes under duress, which all of you confirmed.
from what i know about -healing- from DID at any level, the goal in therapy is to integrate the parts... so i try to lay a groundwork for that, by encouraging her to maintain communication and be accepting of them, and what they do for her..... when she talks about them im accepting and use a lot of humor and try to lay a groundwork for the feeling that they are useful to her and will work together, for her benefit. i try to foster the idea that all of her is acceptable and useful and helpful and ok, and dont get too heavy with it. but boy do i wish i could get her out of that environment.
hollow cost: where she gets this stuff. she definitely 'hides' in literature and reading. (which is great) shes real sophisticated even for a girl, but these ideas (the alters) have come from her own head... she has added to it, but it originated in her thoughts.. thank you for your compliments. im very proud of her in lots of ways.

october: thank you for the link and the comment about 'liking pain'. i had forgotten the aspect of using pain to feel connected... still and all, i gues i was right to recognise it as a problematic issue. i grew up in the same family she is now in, (my parents, her grandparents) and i dissociated a lot. i still dont remember most of my childhood at all. i also have 'peices' of me that do different tasks, however i am aware of them. so i think we both are reacting in similar ways to the same family environment. it encourages dissociation becuause they are so severe about what they will not allow you to do and feel. i think on a scale of 1 to 10 im about a 3, and she is edging over into a 4 or more. thanks a lot for your thoughts and help. the bottom line is, its another sign, shes having to adapt to something unnatural.
daylily: thanks for your comment.... i guess you can see how important her writing is to her, that is why i know exactly how painful and invalidating what happened to you as a child must have been;; if someone took away my daughters writing, she would be
devastated. thats why i could feel for you so much, it still horrifies me...
thanks brigid. i agree about not ignoring mention of suicide. a lot of people have done that and regretted it. thanks for your wishes brigid.
bunny thank you... my parents: after the CSD visit my parents folowed their usual pattern which was to kind of straighten up for a little while, and now they are 'rebelling' again by making things difficult. for awhile they were right ontime with all calls etc but they are lapsing again and missing calls, disrespecting the schedule, etc. its very typical of them. they need to create drama in everything.... its a need for them. they never do the same thing consistently for long. its how they keep people around them off-balance.
they are resisting getting D. into therapy becuase id be involved from the start, and the therapist would know that D. should come home, and not support their agenda. they dont want to risk being exposed as n's. as far as I was concerned she should have been in therapy this entire time.
the child services lady told me in no uncertain terms that D. should be in therapy, and the therapist she had before, told me she needed to continue, when they took her out.
so, if they do not comply, im thinking of calling CSD back after awhile and making another report, saying they have not complied..... its delicate becuase 1) i dont want them to know i was the one that made the report. and 2) my parents have a total history of way overreacting to =everything=, and if i brought up anything the wrong way, they would likely accuse D. of being mentally ill, blame it on me, and make a huge mess out of it. so.... its kind of delicate..... they engender a feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness in everyone they deal with, me included. its very purposeful. they keep me feeling like a rat in a maze with no options, i know this isnt true, but they are experts at making people feel that way. thats why im looking for reality testing.
its just mystifying how to deal with these people in any kind of rational way.
mum... thanks for your strength and wishes. i just keep focusing: she will be stronger. she will be stronger. i just want to get her home, and into a healthy environment though

knowing what happened to me when i was a teenager.... im lucky i lived, truly...... its spooks the hell out of me to think shes becoming a teenager with this lack of guidance and this much turmoil. but i just keep focusing: she will be stronger. there is some purpose.
thanks GFN for all your help, thanks 2c, thanks write. thanks for your compliments. write, its not my decision, she doesnt live with me, my Nparents took guardianship of her againts my will 4 years ago.... thats why shes having all these problems in the first place. before that, she was not this way at all.
understanding what shes going through makes her symptoms more understandable. they hold her against her will, suppress her emotions, violently severed her bond with her mom which was very strong, dont let her contact me, but at the same time tell its all becuase 'they love her' and that they are right and reasonable and that im sick and dangerous. shes under intense mental pressure from them to abandon me and betray me, her mother that she really loves, and she has seen them betray me and act like its totaly normal. its a lot to go through for an 8 year old. now she is 12, and the strain is just starting to show. im surprised shes handling it as well as she is, frankly. it doesnt surprise me at all, the way they force her to divide her loyalties, and repress her emotions, that she would respond by splitting off. its classic, when you have nowhere to put certain parts of yourself, you wil create alters to hold them.
thanks all for letting me get some of this out and listening. thats really important to me beucase so few people understand whats going on. even my new therapist, a supposed specialist in domestic violence issues, told me on our first visit there was 'nothing she could do' which i think is crap. next visit i will show her the poetry. if it was -her- daughter, i say again, damn well she would be doing something. at the very least, these people are mandated reporters. why wont they get off their ass?
it just helps to talk about these concerns...its real hard to get clarity dealing with these insane, crazy people...
thanks all.
d's mama