Cadbury: I am glad to hear the power in your post. You are doing so well.
And your focus is strong....your children! This other BS is just stuff to distract you from that focus...and you are not letting it! Good for you.
You have three (is that right?) happy and healthy children and they are that way because of you!!!!! You are an awesome mother.
Your ex wanting to talk, "sincerely", reminds me of the beginnings of our legal matters (between me and the exN). He called me, after a settlement hearing (which of course, did not "settle" anything) to tell me he was "inspired" by what that judge said. This intrigued me, because that judged basically asked my ex what this vendetta of his against me was about, and why he couldn't just "do the right thing" and let me get on with my life?
So I let him keep talking. He said, "could we meet, just the two of us and talk about this?" So I said, "fine, but not alone, lets use a mediator." He balked...and said, "well, do you want to still move?" (the case was about my relocating with the children), and I said , "of course", and he said, "well, never mind then."
He hadn't heard a word that judge said! What he heard was "I should talk to Mum and convince her of how right I am and if I do it alone she will buckle under!!:"
My point is this. Don't believe one word he says....he is not being reasonable, he doesn't know how. He is a typical N with one agenda and only one. To punish you for not doing what he wants you to.
Hang in there, sweetie!! Ditto on the babysitting (actually my daughter is the great babysitterhere)....and the ocean issue......