Hope, thanks for the update. I'm going to keep sending positive thoughts your way...I have a feeling things will turn out as they should, and you and your children will (hopefully) be settled and happy soon.
I, too have a bit of a problem with the back-and-forthing - but not with anyone else. Just some thoughts on my own learning process.
Being voiceless for so long (48 yrs), there's so much pent-up in my head, my heart, and my gut, that sometimes it just BURSTS out and I don't know how to control it. I'm trying to learn to use my voice appropriately, add some "finesse", if that makes sense.
I find that sometimes, especially about things I feel VERY strongly about, or in moments of intense anger/emotion, I revert to communicating in
exactly the same way my Ndad communicated...and that's very scary to me. Sometimes I don't even recognize it til after everything's over and done with...and all I can do is apologize and promise to really work on not doing it again.
Sometimes my voice still comes out like a whisper (but at least it comes out). After so many years of all of being denied our true selves, and our true feelings, IMHO (only speaking for myself) it takes some time and practice to figure out how to totally change myself around. Sometimes I screw up, more times than I'd like to admit - and sometimes I feel I have the
right to screw up, cause that's how I was raised - it's almost a feeling of revenge
But, when I screw up, it's usually with the wrong people, the ones who don't deserve it, and who count on me not to be N-ish. The more aware I am of what's coming out of my mouth, and how the recipient
perceives it, the more aware I am of when/how I screw up, so maybe there's hope.
I'm not trying to get anything started again, just wanted to explain part of my own process, so if I offend anyone here, I hope they let me know, so I can make amends.
Everyone has a different style, and we are all trying to improve and better ourselves, and the support on this board is wonderful!
Just wanted to say I appreciate everyone here, and I'm thinking of Hope...she deserves so much better, and I hope she gets it soon.