Hey Bunny:
Glad to hear you're feeling better. Ya. Melt down. Tell me about it.
I call it panic-guilt. It happens. Then....the voice of reason kicks in and everything seems ok again.
Is this normal? What the heck is normal anyhow?
All I know is I've been there and so have other people. Even those who seem pretty normal to me.
It's almost like a combination of strange voices and confusing circumstances......having it out...twisting around together in a big mud puddle (sorry to mention mud, mud. No reference whatsoever to you eh!).
Here's how it kinda went for me:
I felt like I did the wrong thing......panic kicks in......I worry.....I fear......maybe I did the wrong thing?......more worry, panic, fear.......yes.....I'm sure I did the wrong thing!! Anger. How could I!!!???
I know better!!! Or I should know better!!! I'm this or that or any number of derogatory things!! Biggest one.....STUPID!!! Make myself pay for such a dumb thing!! Pay big!!!
On and on for awhile. Almost 'til I wear myself silly.
Then......a wee voice....."wait a minute".
And usually something reasonably sane drifts in after that.
Maybe I call someone. Maybe I write it all down and re-examine it?
Maybe I just go for a walk and re-think.
Is it because we were always told how bad we were?
How stupid/useless/endless list of nasty names?
How we should have known better?
Shamed BIG TIME for every simple mistake!
were you???
I vowed never to say such things to my kids.
So far I haven't.
Good for me.
Good for me.
Good for you Bunny for reaching out and not suffering alone.
That takes sanity and is a normal thing to do.
It's not part of the crazy way to deal with stuff. Only the crazy, nasty voices of the past can flatten reason like that.
I'm glad the meltdown's over. I'm glad you posted. I'm glad the hugs helped.