I arise early these days....not because I can't sleep, I just like to enjoy sitting in the garden and feeling at peace, looking out over the surrounding fields and distant mountans.
Yesterday morning was so lovely. It wasn't cold, nor was it cloudy. A gorgeous blue sky with just a hint of a breeze...kind of balmy really. The leafs in the cherry tree were ever so gently swaying....little flutters more than anything. Birds a plenty, so many singing. Coasting along, I'm no longer in a hurry. There was a time, and not so long ago, when I'd never have given a seconds thought for what I was now soaking up. So many problems.....no time to relax, no time to reflect.
People are a pain in the ass....or so I'm told

We get along...and sometimes we love a little.....or maybe to much. We hurt another...and then again, we often don't know it. We're used...abused...mentally broken.....and physically beaten....by life....and ourselves! Often fighting or defending....for what, I sometimes wondered! Anger, anger, anger,... emotion, rage and yes, fear! Fear of loss or lack of control and what may happen to us or the person of our focus. Strange really, the more we love the more some of us.....fear!
I'm no longer that angry person. Nor am I angry at the person who encouraged me to be so. I'm not angry with anyone come to think of it. I stopped blaming another for my feelings and turned my eyes upon myself. I realised that I was the problem and not the focus of my affections. I gazed upon my mind and forgot about: why, when and how, anothers would perform. I stopped thinking for the world and introduced me to me. I made myself....me....the center of my world....and I slowly started to like me!
Sciencetologist say that we've walked this earth a plenty before and that all of our pains, we carry with us today. I don't subscribe...but then who is to say! I did however, clear myself. I examined me, I still do a little to this day. I stopped finger waving 360 degrees around me, I stopped blaming other for my own short comings. I woke up. I realised it was up to me alone, to fix myself. Others could help, but in the end it was up to me and time, to mend what was wrong....me!
More often we're hostages to our own feelings and we allow others to excercise power over them....hell we damn well invite them too! Having rolled out the carpet and made them feel at home, we then complain when they don't do what we want. And when they have the gaul to wander off without us....boy does it cut deep and the dog inside us becomes unleashed! Snarling at everyone, but in the end, only biting none but ourselves!
I was a broken man....no that's incorrect! I was a man who didn't know he was broken....until it slapped him in the face! I was strutting around with a limp...a limp that nobody, including me, could see! How can one strut around....when you're actually carrying a limping? Opposite statements that are contradictory. A little like my life before I realised....I'd been patching over the obvious and using others to do so! I stopped!
Now I'm whole....complete! I stopped looking at others to provide me with splints. I resolved my broken limb so to speak and I'm splint free to enjoy life. In doing so, I'm no longer shouting at another as to why they won't do this or that for me. I'm not an invalid....a cripple of my own mind! I don't cripple others with my problem....my mind!
Giving 100 percent of our time to ourselves is a therapy I definately recommend. And given time, the anger in our lives, our anger, will start to subside. Never for one moment allow yourself to focus upon another when starting down the road. Concentrat solely upon yourself...and become whole....complete. Then you will really be strutting forwards....without the limp!
It's cloudy today and the winds up.....I enjoy it....I love it.....but then I can! And so can you...............