Dear Guest,
I need to step in here and validate your initial doubt and complete concern about flying with this N as the pilot and even your thought about notifying the airlines.
You obviously know this N intimately and know or have learned what he is capable of. Yes, you may also have your own colors that you project onto him. But I like your concept.
If there were a plane crash, they(N's) would step over/on children, old ladies and anybody else that was in their way.... just to save getting a hairline cut on their perfect face. Unlike any of us in here, who actually take responsibility and caring for others beings and feelings seriously.
I imagine, knowing myself and others in here... we would take our job as a pilot extremely seriously, bringing these precious passengers home to their families at any cost. Because we couldn't live with the guilt... we actually CARE about our selves and the lives of others.
Unfortunately, it seems N's do not CARE about others and truthfully they don't really care about themselves. So I think as you have felt about your N, they would ultimately be at risk of putting their own bodies and therefore the lives of others in serious danger.
And I love your concept of alerting the airlines he is applying to. What an amazing world if people got tested for their N levels as a prerequisite for any responsibility regarding other people!!!
And yes, if you called, I am sure the person in HR would think you were straight from the looney bin. I think it is also true as others have expressed that I do think it is best that you move on and put the focus on yourself now that you got away from the N.
When in doubt with an N, I think of these wise words, "Don't chase trouble! Run the opposite direction!" Let this N go. And thankfully, gratefully run.
That is my two cents. And I love that you trusted your instincts to bring it up in here. Thank you! I really enjoyed thinking about it all.