Author Topic: Help!?!  (Read 4819 times)


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« Reply #30 on: June 19, 2005, 07:36:05 PM »
Hey, Menow. Daylily started a very interesting post on faith. Check it out.
I think it is healthy, although not always popular, for us to rail against what we found abusive in our lives.  I think it is because we were such sensitive children (hope it's ok for me to use "us" and "we") that our interpretation of what we heard through Catholic doctrine did indeed, hurt us.  I have no problem with the foundations of most religions, just the ways they have been "played".
I have siblings who have no issue with the church, and the issues they do have do not prevent them from still being "Catholic". Good for them.
I cannot do this, however, as I cannot stand affiliations that may or may not paint me with a wide brush as to my beliefs. Many of my other siblings feel this way as well. We all, however, are very spiritual....although not religious.

I was always told to get a thicker skin, don't take things to heart, etc.....and never knew why others couldn't simply be more careful, why others didn't also take what they said or did "to heart".
Now I make no apologies for that. I knew I was right to follow my own feelings from day one.  I was NOT damaged until I stopped following my own voice. Now I am spending my life trying to get back to that....what a ride, huh??
I knew I should have trusted that sensitive little girl all along. Luckily the one other person who "gets" the real back in my life. Damn, I'm a lucky girl!!!! (it happens, does).


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« Reply #31 on: June 19, 2005, 08:55:50 PM »
I knew I should have trusted that sensitive little girl all along.

ohhh, I can picture you, that sensitive little girl. That just touches my heart. I could feel mine too when I read that. We just don't give them enough attention and caring, or I should say, I don't. (You can use we, as it is usually true for me too) She had nobody, my little girl. No one. Poor thing.

 And gosh, Mum, I am so happy that you found someone who really understands you. That is a big inspiration. I hope to find that one day, too.  :)

I will check out the faith thread. Thanks!
