Hi Guys,
Wow, some great feedback, thanks, all of it helpful.
And Mudpup, of course I could count on you to give it to me straight! Egads! I did say that, just weeks ago... Kinda scary. I got swallowed up again. It is like I start sliding down that slippery slope, then before I know it I am in a relationship and unfocused again. Thanks for pointing out what I had said. Thanks for caring. I like what you said...
Just wondering if you are having enough patience with letting things work their own way out in your life, before you go diving in again.
I need to let myself have time. I need to let myself have space. It is like I create these individuals who are in a crisis and I tell myself, Oh they need me, just for now, they need me. But I think I use it as a distraction to avoid myself. I am scared, actually scared to focus on myself. Petrified to be direct. I am afraid I am going to get in BIG BIG trouble if I make myself happy, do nice things for me, PROSPER. Oh big big trouble if I prosper and focus on me. It is the whole whistle blower thing.
My family was threatened if I did well. I felt like a threat if I did well. So I have used all my energy to melt in, to disappear, to make do. I am at the threshold of not being able to do that anymore, and it is scary. It is threatening to my child. She is scared that I am doing well, and being seen. She is scared that I am putting her in a very risky position. But me the adult cant live that way anymore. It is no longer okay. So I will gently talk to her. And as scared as I am make some progress. Take some steps.
I did work on my book a few times. I need to also feel okay about taking time to myself when others seem to need me. I would love to keep Mike as my friend and yes, a possible romantic relationship, but I need to keep the focus on me and my healing at all costs.
Thank you, Mia, Mum, Jophil, Bunny, and Mudpup. Really, thank you. This is so helpful. As a friend, I think he is going through a very stressful time and will come back a different person. I miss the old him.
But again, it will be great practice for me to have him as a friend and NOT abandon myself and my needs. Usually I would just leave him totally now, and do the black or white thing, all or nothing. This will be great practice for me to be with me and keep this friendship going. And I will get back on track while he is gone for 10 days.
Mum, that book sounds great! I will reccomend it to him, and look at it myself. It sounds good.
Jophil, I think I do have a tendency to just "go to work" on people's problems whether they want it or not. I do it as an avoidance of talking about my stuff.