First, lets get past this baloney about 'safe sex'. Condoms, when working properly, do not prevent genital warts which cause cervical cancer. They don't prevent genital herpes which is incurable. Even when used properly they have an alarming failure rate. When used improperly, which they usually are, they fail far more. When a condom fails they don't prevent
anything at all, including pregnancies.
So there may be 'less dangerous sex', but there is no such thing as 'safe sex'.
Second, this idea that there is some pool of safe, normal people to routinely engage in one night stands with, I find close to idiotic.
How many stories on this board are from people, women especially, who have been married to or otherwise involved with someone for years who seemed perfectly normal, a white knight even, only to find out the guy is a total flaming lunatic?
I would bet there is probably not a person on this board who does not know someone who thought they were going to go have a little innocent one nighter and ended up in the ER or pregnant or raped or somehow used and devastated.
Third, the idea that it is possible to seperate something as intimate as sex from one's deeper emotions I think is self deception. If it
is possible for a person to achieve that seperation, then I think they have lost something pretty valuable.
So you get the opportunity for an incurable disease, possibly a fatal one, an unwanted pregnancy and the chance for a good beating or some other violence done to you on top of the possibility of the slow death of your view of others as anything other than a mere object to satisfy your immediate desires.
Sorry, I place a higher value on myself than that.
I'll be out the rest of the day so you can start tossing things at me immediately.