i identify with this question. i am 58, and until fairly recently, never understood what was wrong with my "evil" sister (my other sister is fine). my two sisters are 13 and 15 years older than i, with the eldest being the "evil" one. i knew that she tried to turn my mother against my sister, my father, and me. she was truly the meanest person i ever knew. now that i've learned what "projection" is.........well, she was the queen of projection. mother was a rather weak and dependent individual, which proved a perfect target. i have an older son (37) who is very much like my evil sister. i often wondered why he began targeting me. his father and i provided a loving and stable home (a 40 year marriage) for him. by the will of God (or nature, if you will), i wasn't able to have more children until the first son was almost 12. he resented the sister and brother that came along, even though we remained totally devoted to him as well. i was always a stay at home mom. we never left the children with babysitters, were always involved in their school, extra curricular activities, encouraged them to explore their talents, etc. we loved our children.......all of them. he, however, resented me for having more children, and began trying to undermine my authority with the little ones. he would tell them i was stupid because i wouldn't let them watch MTV when they were little ones, or X-rated movies, etc. he would switch the tv when i would leave the room. everything is too long to go into now, but i just want to say that i must take issue with theories that N's have to have had certain traumas, such as molestation, abuse, etc., during their childhoods to become N's. I think that some people are just wired a certain way, and they would end up being N's no matter what. I only speak from experience. My oldest son has no empathy, is cruel, feels entitled, is lazy, cannot express emotions (other than anger), makes fun of people who do show emotion, is envious if someone has something he does not have, brags,............and the list goes on. he was not raised like that, nor did he witness that behavior growing up. i just don't understand.