Hi Butterfly (and all!):
...wouldn't also be correct to say that those who are kind and loving had no choice, but to act in a kind and loving manner consistently, b/c that is there nature?
I see your point and it is very logical. I would totally agree except that what I was wondering was
what if it's the "choice" part of the gene stuff that's missing? In other words, if people who behave like N's, are equipped with enough social gear to act "reasonably normally" (let's say), in certain situations with certain people, but are
driven to act "rather unreasonable and abnormally", when they feel most comfortable......around certain people, in certain situations and so the choice part is not really functioning the way it does for the average person (in other words they aren't really choosing to act but actually driven to react/or act by some unknown genetic factor?
The bottom line is.......for me......I've decided...it doesn't really matter whether my abuser acted by choice or some predisposition. The fact is....the actions occurred, they caused harm, there has been no remorse, no taking of responsibility, no attempts to make up for the damage done, as a matter of fact, the behaviour continues. I have decided to think of this person as ill/abnormal/sick/genetically challenged/unable to act reasonably normally toward me and that is all the explanation I need for now.
If I allow the idea that it hurts more because they acted by choice...continue to proliferate in my mind...then I will get no further ahead in my own healing and probably will allow the behaviour to hurt me more. It doesn't have to.
The person is sick and behaves in sick ways. Toward me. As Bunny and many of us have said....the way to protect ourselves is to distance ourselves. Well...I'm about as physically distanced as I can get for now but where I am not distanced enough is emotionally.....and mentally.
So...my new goal is to work on that. I'm packing up the silly thoughts that hurt and mentally, writing them on bits of paper, scrunching those papers up and putting them in trash bags. I plan on having a big bon fire and you're all invited!
Wanna come? I'm supplying the marshmallows and hot chocolate (on the next cool evening, after dark so the bugs will be gone to bed)

This thread has really helped me to see that some of the things I was thinking were causing me more harm than good. The good thing is....I can work on fixing that if I want to and I do.
Thankyou ((((all))))

PS: Bring lawn chairs.