you 'wrote':
and with daylily I would beg to differ that I have not ever clearly said what are my concerns…
but I find in tracking such down, there would be just more and more and even after clearly making
a point and as if it is understood, I am fascinated too…how then it can come on hotter and heavier
despite when some say they got the point J
ok, here is the deal. (for me.) from my point of view, communication is indeed a two way street. its like a contract. there must be a -meeting of the minds- or it wasnt comunication. it was just BLATHERING. see the difference? if someone asks you your concerns, and you bleieve you stated them, but the person then asks 'would you repeat that please i didnt quite get it' or 'id like more understanding of your point of view' then that means -there was no communication-. there needs to be more information given for that person to 'get' what you are communicating. whether you didnt say it clearly, or they didnt hear it clearly, communication did not occur. then it behooves one or the other participant to continue trying until there is actually a connection made, that is COMMUNICATION.
if the first person wants to be cute and say 'well i told you and i dont feel like looking it up again' thats great but, thats not communication. thats just mental jerking-off and on the internet, trolling.
you continue:
and someway d’s mom thinks I was being honest when I said I was a chimp…
actually I am not J
and as to d’s mom that I can start to open up…that is assuming that there was no opening up? J
no, i dont think there was any opening up. i think you are just dancing around like a troll, and you have officially lost -my- interest. i was willing to give you a chance becuase even people who are extremely mentally disordered are capable of communicating IF THEY TRY and if they are willing to. but i dont think you are. i think you are both mentally disordered and also just trolling us. so go ahead, post as much as you want, but ive lost interest and i will go back to ignoring everything you say just like i did before. have a happy life alone in your brain. must be fun.
oh ps: just so you dont think i am kidding, i want to tell you a story of another list i was on awhile back. there we were with a loving happy community. well into this midst came a destructive, aggressive, irritating troll. now you are not anywhere near like this guy. he was really violent. he stalked us all mercilessly. he was a violent troll. you are just mildly annoying. but this guy was vicious and aggressive. well we tried at first to give him a chance. we tried to get him to open up. we tried to get him to communicate with us. a lot longer than i will be trying with you.
after a few months of his violent, pornographic assaults (which are =not= like you, you are just irritating, he was violent) we got sick of it. computer people on the list tracked down his IP address. we found out where he was posting from. we found out where he lived. we found out he was a criminal -and- a pedophile. we found out he was on probation. we printed out everything he wrote and we sent it to his probation officer. (it filled a CD). i say again, this guy wasnt just obscure. he was violent and pornographic. you are just annoying.
his probation officer ordered he stay off the internet. he refused. his probation was revoked. and HE WENT BACK TO JAIL. thats what happened to *that* troll. so go ahead and be obscure, be annoying, theres nothing illegal at all about that. but realize, that *i* am done with you. if others want to keep trying, they certainly have more patience than i.
best of luck