Now there's something else I'm ashamed of:
The fact that in a mere couple hundred years, less really, we humans have managed to just about reck a planet that our ancestors, as nasty as some of them were, were able to preserve for so many, many, many generations.
I agree that there is some interconnection (possibly....because I can't be sure .....don't know the science....but it sure makes sense re weather patterns and stuff) between oil and war and weather and governments and corruption. On the other hand, I better take my own share of the blame.
I heat my home.
I use electrical appliances.
I drive a car.
I use Tide to wash clothing (and fabric soften

I drink water and flush my toilet.
I turn on lights.
I like my pc and my tv and my cd player and my electric piano too.
I put stuff in the garbage (I do recycle and compost religiously....and hope it helps).
I use my share of energy.....for heat, hydro, fuel, water treatment, garbage disposal, road maintenance, city services and lighting, etc.
Oh....and I consume goods which are transported....stuff from far away places like...

..spanish wait...we grow those here! Well, ya know, stuff (just kidding a bit here....why not eh?

Seriously, I'm just as guilty as the devil himself for polluting the environment because I've become accustomed to and enjoy my comforts as well as anyone and I won't be giving them up any time soon.
here's a guy north of here who built one of those straw bale homes, shaped like an igloo, mostly underground, with his own windmill and .....don't know about the water he uses?? Now there's a guy who's really doing his best to conserve energy. Costs a lotta moola though. 300 grand for the windmill alone!
I'm not insinuating that coping mechanisms are in any way bad. As a matter of fact, I think most of them are extremely good for helping us survive and I really am sorry, Anna, about saying anything that may have made you think I'm judging you, in any way, to be over-emotional or blaming inappropriately. I blame too. It helps to blame, I think. It puts the onus somewhere instead of just letting that onus float around oblivia, like a confused moth.

But blame me too, ok, because I've contributed too. I'm still contributing this very minute by typing here and I will continue to use energy.....derived from fossil fuels, much of it, in one way or another, for my selfish comforts, until something, hopefully much less harmful, comes along.
It only seems fair to take my share of the blame. It's the least I can do.
We definately need new sources of energy. This past summer, I took a train west, for over two days and rode a bus for 5 and 1/2 hours north after find the answer to two questions.....the questions that really matter to me in this regard....
Why aren't we using our own (Canadian) oil and what are the oil companies doing about developing alternative energy sources?
I went to the Oil Sands in Northern Alberta to see what the process is for extracting oil and ask those questions.
Guess what? None of the staff could answer. They said they didn't know.

Big bucks I paid to find out what?

But someone on the bus....on the way back south...just another person.....had answers.
He said:
"They (the oil companies) are aware they have about 25 years worth of oil sand left so they are developing alternatives but they won't say what those might be because they want the pick of the market, the most profitable alternative, the first dibs etc".
"We sell our oil to the world market and buy it back because the oil companies make more money that way."
Ain't that sweet? Guess how much it costs for a litre of gas in Egypt (if what I heard is correct??)??
4 cents.
Better blame those Egyptians for the increased hurricanes too because my bet is....they don't worry about wasting fossil fuel much. Not at a measley 4 cents.
The corruption extends past the governments, is my best bet.
I guess what I'm saying is that it isn't fair to try to pin the blame on any one entity, person, group or country.
We are all to blame. The onus has a home. It's not a moth from oblivia.
Let's face it, we've done more harm probably, in our own short life times, than anything our nasty ancestors did.

And human suffering hasn't changed all that much either. So really, a fraction of us lucky energy consumers are continuing to ruin the world for even those poor natives who are still sitting around camp fires, somewhere by the rain forrests. Ooops! They're cutting those down, I forgot, for what else....profit.
We elect to use energy, we elect to enjoy comforts and we elect our governments, hoping to continue to enjoy those comforts and....we aren't happy when they are corrupt (as if there is such a thing as a government completely that is silly!!

The BBC reported this evening an unveiling of corruption in the UN and there is a call for total reform.
Beauty eh? (to quote good ol' Bob and Doug, two Cannucks who had their priorities set on beer and doughnuts, oh ya, and back bacon eh).
Jeepers. I hadn't even thought of the UN being corrupt. How silly of me really.

There are certainly honest people who have, do, and will fight corruption in governments and for those who are suffering and down trodden and who are doing their best to make changes that will hopefully bring about some sane way of handling the whole mess.
But if you can show me one organization that has not got a stinky sock in the closet, I'll give up back bacon, for good. I mean it!! Never again!! Back bacon begone!!!
