Welcome Seasons,
As far as the abuse goes i feel helpless, please don't hate me for feelling like a coward. My instances we're over 30 years ago and his kids will protect him till death. Or kill me if i did.............
I never told my parents about my abuse, i didn't want them to know as i got older, wanted to still be their sweet daughter in their eyes, not dirty from all of this. kwim?
The only person anyone would hate in your story is the pedophile, who should be, IMO, waiting his turn on death row. Or better yet, already a graduate and presently matriculating in hell.
Some people might hate your sister as well, but no one will think ill of you for being abused or too scared of the animal to speak out.
Nor are you dirty from all of this. He is. You are an innocent victim. His kind of dirt doesn't rub off on other people, its all his own. I hope you can see that.
Are you strong enough, or do you have the desire to cut this sister and her insane "family" out of your life?
I don't see how any good can come of being sucked into the awful mess these people are living.
Your sister is sick and she's trying to make you sick along with her. Misery loves company.
If you can, I would get as far away from these toxic whackos as I possibly could and never look back.
I do have one question.
Help me get out, i have a wonder family that needs me back!
What does this mean?
You said your parents and brother passed away and your sisters are nuts. Who's left?
Are you married and away from your family?
At least you've taken a first step. Hope you keep on walking, fast.