Oh, Sweetie. I'm so sorry you feel things went awry!
I had a similar experience in the presence of a mediator. It was as if I FINALLY had a chance to empty out all those bad feelings I had for what my ex did in front of someone who I thought would SEE what was going on and what a horrible man he is!! Unfortunately, what she saw was me, being very angry and hostile and not dealing well at all, while he sat there just acting all nice and normal. It was terrible, too.
The GOOD NEWS: it was not the end of the world, nor did it "put him up one" in any way.
I thought it was the bottom, believe me....and for me, it was the darkest hour....just before dawn!!
Please have faith. I have found in my life, that those moments (days, weeks,) at the bottom of the ocean are the times when a miracle is just around the corner.
Anyway, by the next time I went to mediation, I had really done some work letting go of my anger and hurt....and I was calm and collected, and my ex was a mess!!! The mediator was appalled at his behavoir, really. I think the more healthy we get, the worse the N's get.
And the bottom line is: what happens in mediation (at least here) unless agreed upon by both parties, goes nowhere....mediators cannot testify in court, etc.
PLEASE don't take this temporary setback as the way things ARE. It is already in the past. Got that? PAST.
It's over. You don't need to punish yourself anymore for not being "perfect". That's all in your head. Change your mind about what that is, ok? You get to decide....you get to give yourself a break.
Right at this moment, you are ok. Don't worry about the future...it doesn't really exist....or the past...that doesn't exist either.
You are a great mom....you are responding to trauma the way anyone would when they think they have a sympathetic audience.... Hang in there. Sending you peace.