My brother was the bully in my childhood (the one at home anyway). I had this dream repeatedly:
I am in a dungeon and there is a terrifying giant coming down the stone stairs to "get" me. Thump, thump, etc. I am very, very afraid. He comes closer and closer until he is looming over me, in my face, and then my fear becomes so intense it wakes me up.
One night, I went to sleep feeling "different". I don't know what it was, exactly, but some slight subtle thing had changed. The same dream started, but it too felt a little different. Thump, thump, etc., and I was feeling...less afraid. The giant came into my cell and started looming over me and I said to him, You can't hurt me, you're just a dream! (His face crumpled in frustration and he roared and turned around and left, and I never had the dream again).
I'll never forget that.