Author Topic: tears of a clown  (Read 4670 times)


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Re: tears of a clown
« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2005, 08:55:57 AM »
he is just a crappy horrible and disgusting man terrible and gross.  He stole the keys from my purse to my house. Last night he put them back in. I was in denial about it and stuff. I told my moms' boyfriend and he said that that is not a big deal or something. I don't know what to think!!! or do. I really wanted him to change the locks but at the same time, he would not take me seriously. I met him at the meeting yesterday and was so nervous that I couldn't get anything out of it--- he gets mad when I don't lavish attention onto him, but is always getting annoyed at me so I am afraid of annotying him or something---- he told me that when he was ignoring my calls and hung up on me he was like "fuck you" insifde and said that that had nothing to do with me but at the same time I pick up that energy off of him and feel afraid, i one time had another boyfriend that was nice and i was not afraid to pay attention to him. . He tells me to call him any time and then he gets annoyed when I call. I think he likes to see me suffer. I do not understand .  I just feel really bad and wierd and scared and like I am in a daze or something. Thank you for warning  me about this you guys. I was annoyed at the having to learn a lesson from this  because i didn't want to learn this lesson and have to leave him, I am sorry I got all annoyed at the learnign a lesson thing. Anyway I think my lesson that I am going to try to learn is that even though he was an asshole to me I am still sad and will miss him and just because he is an asshole doesn't give him the right to hurt me, and that I am allowed to be sad and angry at him and stuff, and feel hurt, and not have to pretend that I am not and still learn some sort of lesson without pretending that I am removed forever from my own pain and actually wasn't even there!!!


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Re: tears of a clown
« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2005, 08:57:42 AM »
my other lesson is that just because he rationalized his mean treatment of me by saying that he was hungry and wanted to socialize---- that doesn't mean that I wasn't mistreated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!whatev


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Re: tears of a clown
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2005, 09:31:38 AM »
Hi Bloopsy:

It's so hard when we feel lonely and want to be loved eh?  And I believe you have lot's of love to give to the right person Bloopsy but the wrong people will take advantage of that, like I believe this guy is doing.

So I'm with Plucky.  This guy is bad news and isn't good for you.  I'm worried that he will just keep giving you the yo-you treatment (up with the supposed empathy and little appology then down with the nasty treatment/words, then up again and down, etc).   You're not a yo-yo Bloopsy!!!

People who care about eachother don't treat eachother that way.  They don't use eachother and they don't abuse eachother (which I think this guy is doing to you).

Please Bloopsy.....don't let him do that any more.  Please take care of you.

Maybe AA meetings.........may not be the best places to meet guys.  Please be careful Bloopsy.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((big large huge hug)))))))))))))))))))



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Re: tears of a clown
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2006, 01:26:32 AM »
Hey that wasn't really me with some of these messages I think this board is being taken over by a buch of fakos what in the motherfucking hell I never thought that this could haappen whatev. XXXXXdaed forever and in a grave by the motherfucking greenwood meeting where there are two old men in Rob Shapiro hats all of a motherfucking suddentelling me that there is orange juice fuck orange juice unless it is shoved by a painfully intrusive set of tubes down Rick Shapiros nostrils in the hos pital while Rob stands there in some other type of pain that I can't even imagine because I am high on life motherfucker. LOL.


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Re: tears of a clown
« Reply #19 on: January 30, 2006, 02:07:51 PM »

Since you are already familiar with AA and feel comfortable there, please see if there is a local SLAA group.  That is where a huge amount of my support comes in.  By working that program, I get to figure out why I want to go back to someone who is abusive and work to break the pattern.  You can also check on the website to see if there is a local meeting.

Good luck and get away from the jerk...don't you deserve better?
An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.