I'm not sure whether or not I should just be posting stuff about myself, or if I'm just being selfish, but I kind of wanted to tell a bit about what I'm going through and maybe get some feedback because I've found the other threads really useful so far.
Well, I'm 22. I just came out of my third relationship one week ago. It has been about 4 years since I've been single. The second relationship I was in was with a person who I now think is quite sick in himself. He lied to me pathologically for about 5 months. The thing is, when I fond out the truth about it, I didn't let him go. I felt so worthless, like it was my fault, because I felt so worthless that I thought it was impossible for someone to have feelings about me in a true and sincere way. In a way I still do.
So, I kept him in my life. And when he tried to convince me had changed I believed him and I genuinly thought it could work. Then, of course, when it turned out he was still self-centred and neglectful I was confused. He'd blamed all that on the lies that he was trying to keep up. So I thought things would change now I knew the truth. But they didn't. So after 6 months of this or so, we were fighting constantly to the point of almost hitting each other. Finally, it was HIM believe it or not ho said he had had enough. which seems almost funny and says alot about how messed up I must be.
Anyway, we agreed to be friends, and withn a couple of weeks I found a new boyfriend. I wasn't ready for this though. Something inside me was screaming 'Do NOT get into another relationship'. I felt so messedup after my previous disaster that I knew I couldn't do it. But I did. Somehow convincing myself that it would not be normal of me to reject someone. This guy wa popular and good looking.I thought if I rejected it it would mean that there was something wrong with me. I also probably didn't want to be alone.
Well, not long into it, it became apparent it was not going to work. For example, he once made a 'joke'. Saying how he haddecided to pursue me instead of another girl. I asked him why and he gave a few answers and one of them was 'you are better in bed'. He had told me had not had an intimate relationship with this girl. However, he insisted it was only a joke and that he had been telling the truth. But I accused him of lying to me. I was terrified I was being lied to again. I was convinced I was being lied
to and he took offence. He was very insulted by this. I do now believe he was telling the truth, but it was just simple things like this-aspects of his humour or personality- that would cut me deply. I'd take offence. Eventually he decided he had had enough and dumped me saying I made toomuch out of 'stupid' things.
Now I am just trying to get on with things. But I still feel like there must be something wrong with me if I could not function in a relationship with this boy. I am currently trying to think of ways to get him back, but I know he never will, still I want excuses to see him. Feeling like I should apologise for getting so annoyed and stuff.