Unfortunately, it seems we have been pretty
good sources of NS and MIL is holding on.
Harriet Lerner, in her book, "the DAnce of Anger"talks about stepping out of unhealthy patterns in relationships, and when you do, there are retaliatiory moves on the part of the other person to get you to go back to the pattern they were comfortable with (like you taking their s**t). So step out of the dance for a bit and watch from afar. Ekhart Tolle , who wrote "the Power of Now" calls it becoming the observer of yourself. Very powerful stuff.
Anyway, when you can watch what is going on every once in a while and not get caught up in it.....well, you won't get caught up in it as much!
How do you deal with family meetings? Is it possible to have a 'positive' meeting
when your N's either a) come and take your children and use them by making them
play with all the 'special' toys they brought or by exciting them so that they make
fun of them or b) go and speak with everybody presenting us as their wonderful
possessions or (if we do not go into their games) as the awful children who do
not let them see their grand-children (poor N's...).
Yuck yuck and more yuck. Sounds like my ex and how he treats our teenage children.
Should we make our presence at these meetings the shortest possible?
Should we simply avoid them?
Whenever possible.
- What? I cannot play with my grand-children?
"correct. When you are ready to (fill in the blank with more appropriate behavoir) we will consider another visit" Treat them like the poorly behaved infants they are.
- Oh, I know, you have a weird thing about these particular toys. We will not
play with them since you have this weird thing...
"thank you" (no explanation, remember, you don't care if MIL gets mad...you care about your kids)
Oh, I am exciting the children? (looking so upset that you dared to make a remark)
"yes, you are. Please stop or we will have to end the visit" and again, who cares if they "look upset". remember, you don't care: You have a far more important job....taking care of your children and showing them a healthy way to do life!!
See, here's the deal: I don't know how old your children are, but you have a duty to STOP this legacy of toxic behavior and show your kids how healthy people do life. Don't be afraid of the "guilt trips"...let's face it , a guilt trip is a trip you get to accept or not. It's a choice.
If you believe you are acting from loving intention and doing the right thing....what's to feel guilty about? LET GO of trying to please everyone. You can't. Even your parents. Just let go. It's sad, I know, but living your life in FEAR just isn't any way to live.
OK< this is preaching to the choir, right?
Sorry. I'm sure I write this to help myself as much as others.....please forgive me.
- How do you deal with religious ceremonies (communion, baptism, bat-mitzvah, etc...)
that you organize for your children?
Well, I just don't. I may sound like a heathen here, but I have found most religious ceremonies are so fraught with status seeking/showing, OTHER people pleasing (not even the child being honored) that I forgo them entirely when at all possible.
I know it's nearly impossible, especially considering some of the bat mitzvahs my daughter has been to lately, to LIMIT the pomp and circumstance of these things....but I would pare it down to the child in question. Go with the flow, make your choice based on good sound information of the options you can live with.....and let the comments slide off your back like a duck....and try to have a good time despite the N dramas....
Because the best thing to do is be happy (drives the n's nuts). again...LET IT GO> your spouse and your children are your priority...not your MIL. She's got to deal with her own pain and her own nastiness....let her.