Author Topic: what is nomal? obviously not me...  (Read 2718 times)


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what is nomal? obviously not me...
« on: November 29, 2005, 01:48:08 AM »
I talked to my father last week, he went on and on about how happy he is, he just remarried. It should have been a great conversation, except he turned everything back to himself, and then asked if n-h and I are back together.
I said no, we live a couple of miles apart, but things are as well as can be expected.
Stupidly I enthusiastically elaborated.
'Not very NORMAL is it?' was his response....

I suppose not, for our family, but it made me rethink normal, in terms of- don't seek approval from immediate family!


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Re: what is nomal? obviously not me...
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2005, 02:33:54 AM »
His remark is critical and unsupportive. A 'real' Dad would have enquired after your wellbeing and shown some understanding, instead you received a swipe because he in uncomfortable with your situation. Isn't it all, therefor, about him and his wants?  Poor excuse for a Dad. The more you tell them the more ammunition they can make to fire back at you..Tough situation, Write.


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Re: what is nomal? obviously not me...
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2005, 02:27:47 PM »
I recently heard a report on a study done about how few families are typical nuclear families, not only now, but in the 30's and 40's.

So, your situation is actually normal!

What is not normal, is a father who tries to diminish his daughter, instead of supporting her.  So let him put that in his pipe and smoke it!


miss piggy

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Re: what is nomal? obviously not me...
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2005, 03:57:46 PM »
Hello write,

Don't take it on, write.  From the title of your post, your dad's remark was allowed to sink in.  I'm glad you came to this board, our emotional stain-remover before it set!  :? 

These remarks are the red-wine-hard-to-remove stains.  I know.  My brother told me as often as he could how weird I was.  My dad would look at me sometimes like he couldn't believe I was a member of the family (BTW I look just like him).  Like "where did you come from?" look.  So my emotional self is still a little spotty.  8) 

So we know eradicating the feelings that come from these damaging remarks can be hard.  But just believe and know that it's a stain delivered from some sloppy careless person, and not a part of you.  Hugs, MP


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Re: what is nomal? obviously not me...
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2005, 07:42:26 PM »
Your analogies always ring true Miss Piggy!

Write, hopefully you will be able to establish your own standards of 'normal'. That is, whatever it takes that gets you in a happy place and makes you feel good about life.


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Re: what is nomal? obviously not me...
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2005, 12:39:49 AM »
Hi write,

Unfortunately some parent (especially fathers) feel that they can lived removed from their children so much so that they assume that things will be ok if they are not around. His expectation of you being with your n-h because of his understanding that you were the less dominant one in your relationship and made the sacrifices. He probably doesn't see the strength in character, independence and the true nature of how good a person you are alone and how much you should have been valued in that relationship.

Ignorance may be bliss for him but it is no excuse for his stupidity and blindness to what was really happening. I doubt whether your normal, but not for the reasons you may think. I actually think you are quite exceptional because you not only have the insight and awareness to see what was going on, you also had the determination and courage to look out for your best interest and fight.

SO NO YOU ARE NOT NORMAL, I THINK YOU ARE EXCEPTIONAL.... well in my humble opinion!

Thank you for continuing to inspire me
"It takes one person to change the world and you could be that one person"

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Re: what is nomal? obviously not me...
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2005, 09:59:22 PM »
Hello Write,
Your dad who is the one who is not normal. He's unsupportive, unhealthy comments are not normal.

Besides you are striving to be "normy" not normal. Normy is a word I accidently formed when I put the two words together, normal and healthy.

How you are living is normy!
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D


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Re: what is nomal? obviously not me...
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2005, 10:26:13 PM »
Poo on "normal".
It's just a word.
We use words to beat ourselves up with.

We should stop.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: what is nomal? obviously not me...
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2005, 11:45:07 PM »
you guys are so kind and supportive! Thank you.

I don't think dad will ever forgive me for insisting on my own boundaries, it's just not done in our family of denial and passive-agressive hostility...he will have taken it like a wound and though it might seem healed on the surface it never is with him.
My brother and sister make him worse by being so passive, though my sister did once respond in extremis to his going on about his own terrible childhood for the millionth time with 'and what do you think it was like for us?!'

And don't think I'm not sympathetic to his childhood pain, but when someone in their sixties is still blaming and lashing out after years of therapy and support, you know they are not going to take responsibility and try to move on.

It was his excuse about how neglected we were- his own childhood.

His relationship with the therapists was interesting, he'd go from saying they were wonderful ( not like the last one etc ) and were making him better to harrassing them until they wouldn't take his calls to responding badly when they challenged him and finally say how incompetent and uncaring they were. I've often thought he's Borderline PD, people are either wonderful or terrible, and each relationship even professional ones follows the same path: he'll behave at forst charming and submissive, then outrageously, then angry and hurt when it's not tolerated.

Once my brother ( who has schizophrenia ) wasn't well & became over-involved with his therapist and called her at home, where she was having a party; she told him strongly not to call her outside the office or office hours, and I remember dad being furious because ' she really upset him.'
I had been working as a social worker and tried to explain professional boundaries and it wasn't appropriate etc but he couldn't see it.
I think he really thought the woman should respond to her clients 24/7 'or she shouldn't be in the job'!

He doesn't have the power to hurt me with his words any more, but there's still a sadness that I haven't had/got loving parents, and I am so thankful for some of the other adults in my life and that they showed me better love and unconditional love.

I got some Xmas parcels this week, from old friends, they make every effort to do nice things for us, have done for years, and in many ways have been so much better role models and grandparents.
During the time when I told dad I couldn't take his calls any more he bumped into them and they inadvertently said they'd spoken to me the week before and I was fine...boy was he mad. Not pleased I was doing ok and he'd had news of that- furious because I'd talked to someone else and not him.

He has always said about me 'she'll do anything for anyone except me'!
and resented any other people being part of my life.
All my life I've done voluntary work, and frankly it's landed me most of my career jobs so not entirely altruistic; he has never had a good word to say about any of it, I guess time spent doing things with or for other people was wasted time I didn't spend with him.

Whenever I think about my father it's with a huge *SIGH*


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Re: what is nomal? obviously not me...
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2005, 12:14:53 AM »
He is a tragedy.

I'm so sorry.

You're sure not.

Pleeeeeaaaaaaaaase, be happy anyway. Not to spite him or even in spite of him but just getting caught up in all there is.

You deserve to try that on. Big sigh, yes. But big smile too.
You will owe no fine for finding the smile in you...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."