I must say, Jacmac, I think your advice is right on. And Bean, too! (or how do you Brits say it? Spot on?)
Something is not right. I don't think it matters if it's you, if it's him.....it's not right for you, right now, maybe ever. But right now is what you've got. The right thing to do IS to heed your own discomfort...it's telling you something.
Fall in love with yourself. It's ok to do that. Find out how wonderful YOU are.....really believe it.
IMO, that's why nothing is quite right (although the lies to his mum and some of the other stuff would creep me out too...and not being that "into him" is ENOUGH not to see someone, really).
Be alone. That's ok, even if a nice guy loves you. Don't let the nice guy label keep you from doing what you need to. Another nice guy (or maybe him.....who knows) will come around, or not, when you feel like a guy doesn't matter at all. That's where your head needs to be. So give it time to get there.
Lots of love!!