15 votes! I’m glad I did this now. I was a bit unsure at first. Lots of interesting thoughts here.
I looked at Dr. Robert D Hare (????same one?) website and books (
http://www.hare.org/) and thought about his work, and him, and how he’s really cornered his market so to speak and so on. And it struck me that he’s looking at those people now, as they are today, and I wonder if he looks at how they got that way, peers right back into their backgrounds, genes even. I don’t think his stuff necessarily supports the genetic angle but I do think he’s made one heck of a name and business for himself. I’m …. sceptical and cynical (the more I know, the less I know, will I end up knowing nothing? I wonder that!). Very interesting. Thanks!
i dont think a persons mind can't be 100% evil. thinking about seriel killers in prison, they may well have battered, beaten, murdered people, or maybe they were involved in gangs, killing loads of people. BUT if they get their hands on someone that is classed as a paedophilethey’d be violent towards them? I kind of don’t want to go too far down this route because it may well cause lots of emotion here….but…I gotta say, if you mean what I think you might mean, I probably disagree. What I’d disagree with (and it might not be what you mean), is classing anyone as the lowest of the low, because I think that’s creating a scapegoat for all our bad stuff. Better to understand it I think. And understanding is in no way excusing it either. I’m no apologist for others! Hope you see what I mean?
And I think that people who "would like to" believe that people are born evil are doing a kind of evasive maneuver - because if people are not born evil, then the rest of us (parents, etc.) have a LOT of 'splaining to do!Yes. I think many people who want to believe that other people are born evil are simply
avoiding thinking about it. Whether it’s genes or environment, or a mixture of both, it might be different for each person? People may have brain damage in the womb, might have some physical defect from a chemical imbalance, might have bad early years experiences …. or maybe there is some wee part of a gene that can function wrongly, whatever. For the two people in my family, my guess is they don’t want to think about it and they’d rather believe in a black and white world. “They’re evil, I’m not and can’t be. They must be born like that because
I can’t imagine anything happening to me that would cause me to commit evil acts.” Lots of fear and denial there! And downright ignorance. Stupidity. No imagination, no empathy.
The important bonding that MUST occur at the time of birth (with the mother) is regularly and forcefully prevented in all hospital births around the world. And this is normal, but diabolically evil in itself. And not a minor point in the central question of empathy.It’s getting better I believe. Home births happen in the UK. Babies are put straight on the mother’s chest in hospital. It is getting better, slowly. Generally I agree. We’ve got big brains and lots of technology but we’re primitive in our understanding of emotions. And we treat children as objects, all the time. All the time!
LOOK at what we are doing to children from the time of conception onward. And I think most people don't want to look, perhaps are afraid to lookYep fear keeps us from treating children with more respect than we give adults. And I think they deserve more respect than adults do, purely for practical survival reasons (of the species).