If this is controlling let me know and I will think about it. Gotta get dressed for church anyway, so I'll think about this board during my favorite part....when we get up and light silent candles for anyone who's on our mind.
Really, I believe I would've felt baited-then-silenced too. Bean, I would've felt frustrated about who-you-talkin-to too. Brigid, I know it's a topic you'd like to go away and I can feel you wrestling to deal with it politely but contain your distaste. Cwings, don't worry, it's safe here. Glad you came.
Everybody, I think there are very good intentions in every speaker here. Strong opinions and deep hearts. I have faith in every one. I think there is a mixture of very quick reactions (I personally have hit Send or Post more than once and wanted to chase the electronic mailman down the block), somewhat judgmental reactions (I am Her Honor and here's my gavel), and a kind of...poking.
I think nobody here is a bully. I am super-sensitized to bullying, it'll set off my radar a mile away. I don't think that's happening. I feel sometimes, just at some moments, a faint drift toward ganging up...a little. But then I sense people stepping back from that little current and engaging directly and politely. That's very impressive to me.
Anyway, just wanted to say that I feel respect, and faith, and more abundantly than anything else--goodwill for every person in this discussion.
It IS a challenging one. I think RealllyMe's offer to keep further detail private was a good intuition and a considerate one. I think Brigid's curiosity and courtesy are both present, and yet, there's ambialence too. No crime there. And Bean, you've been Bean the Dean of Courtesy too.
Me, I just dunno what I'm doing. Except I care about everyone and am glad we speak.
It's Sunday, my favorite day of the week. I sing like a dying frog under a sheet of aluminum foil. But I can listen, and learn.
Love to all,