So your (1 now adult? and 1 still teenage) daughters do not know you had demon(s) cast out of you? Do they know about your bipolar?
Um ok, first of all, Bean, I think you have misunderstood most of what I said.
My daughters were very much aware that I had demons cast out of me. It was back in 1997, when they were younger, but we all went to the same church.
They also are well aware of the misdiagnosed (I believe) bipolar disorder. My daughters were the ones who had a fit that I was on meds to begin with for it. They are both "faith believers" and see meds as a sign of weak faith. My eldest daughter works at a mental health center.
My 16 yr old has always been very clear about what she was mad at me about and her older sister told her "let it go. get over it and stop trying to keep punishing mom forever"
See, back in 2001-2003, I was counseling a lady, which, due to my then obsessive nature, became a full-time job, and resulted in me resenting my family and neglecting and ignoring my children for those years. During that time, I got pregnant again, was so sick that I could barely lift my head from my pillow, and my eldest child got into promiscuousness. I wasn't there for her like I should have been, due to the counseling of the lady as well as the extreme problems during the pregnancy. My 16 year old is holding a grudge about that even to this day.
She has become narcissistic and has a "prima donna" attitude. Everyone sees it, not just me, but everyone doesn't realize that she was pretty much that way to begin with, yet the neglect compounded the problem. So, I've done what I could to be a healthier mother to her, but, of course her attitude is "you weren't there when I needed you, so don't think you will pop back into my life and be "mom" to me now.
I hope this clarifies things for you, Bean. My children are not sheltered in any way, shape or form from things like childbirth, spiritual matters, feelings, confrontations, etc.