Thanks for posting all of this H&H.
I love number one. It sounds like such a simple thing. And it may or may not work, I have no idea, but it will surely give my hubby a good laugh!! I'm gonna try it tonight!!
I believe wholeheartedly in the idea that our thoughts greatly effect the way we feel.
I think the first time I embraced that idea, I was a young teen and my friend's mother said:
"Think good thoughts".
I was shocked.

Who would think to say that? I thought it was magnificent.
I started right away.

And ya know, it helped. It helped a lot. I had a real tough situation to live in and simply thinking good thoughts, some times, helped me to survive. I felt better too!!
Ofcourse, when bad things happen.....I really believe it's very important to acknowledge our hurt and our pain and all that we feel and to at some point (preferably soon), let our feelings out.....release them. To me, it's the only way to really let them go eh?
But afterward......or even inbetween......thinking good thoughts can really help.
How many stories of people who have survived great atrocities will include how people focussed on good thoughts and good memories and dreams and good plans and talked with eachother, to distract or entertain or simply........get away from the pain for awhile??
I think when people are in deep pain.......they need those breaks too and thinking good thoughts for a little while, won't hurt.....if they can muster them up.
Number two reminds me of the serenity prayer......which is loaded with wisdom and logic. What's the point of focussing on stuff we can't change? Isn't it a real waste of brain power and energy? I find number 2 very logical and easy to accept. I don't always put it to use...mind you.

Not always so easy to implement.
Number three is something I wish everyone did, every day of their lives. I think it would go a long way in improving the way people feel about themselves and the article suggests.......move them along the road to happiness. If we're happy with the way we are......or at least......acknowledge some stuff that we are happy's incentive to keep going and keep trying. I think I can I think I the little red engine eh? (compared to bad thoughts about ourselves......

.......what's the use??

I'll never be happy.

..........that kind of thinking won't get many people on the happy road, I think).
Number 4 sounds like it's in reference to things like failures, bad experiences, weaknesses, etc. Ya. I think it's good to be real about stuff like that and by letting it go.......I assume they basically disregard that stuff and go on regardless of it...without letting it drag us down.......just leave it and move on.
Sounds like good advice, I think.
5 sounds so easy and likely to produce satisfaction. If not one change per about per month? Or per quarter? Or per year? Either way......sooner or later........some good habits have to come about and that's gotta be a good thingy eh? I like it. Ok.......what do I want to change this week?? I need to drink more water. I really do. I'm going to do it!!

I liked the whole thing H&H. I've blabbed enough so it's someone else's turn.
Thanks again for sharing.
