Sela, your post back a page and then your post above, I hope all this makes sense.
I feel responsible for a lot of what's happened because it was my post to you about stuff you said to someone else that started this whole thing. I'm the original worm-can-opener. And I think you said that because you were upset about what you perceived was happening to me. So I’m the original worm-can-opener. And I was reacting to something else. And so on.
You liked Stormy's gift? That vicious post.....seemed like a gift to you?If someone challenges me and my thinking, it’s a gift, yes (even if it is not intended as such). I learn from my mistakes. It takes a long time for me. Of course I didn’t like the post itself, but I can see the benefits in almost everything…
What parts did you like? I liked the parts that showed you doing exactly what I’ve done before and will probably do again. The parts about groups I remember in particular; I did that with Marta (‘and I would encourage everyone to say what they want to’….or something like that, dictatorial rallying stuff). (Sorry Marta.)
What was it supposed to be teaching me?I thought it was teaching me, not you. What the lesson was, I couldn’t fathom. I was actually very shocked and angry with Storm but I decided to suspend the thought that this was actually intended as it looked, particularly given the closing line about the student. I still don’t know who the student was supposed to be?
What were you "a bloody chicken" about?I wouldn’t dare post a post like that now (or would I, have I, do I know?). Maybe I’m too careful these days? A bloody chicken. Maybe I should say exactly what I think when I perceive that someone is being abusive and bullying? Because sometimes I think, is it just me that thinks this is way out of line? And I think hey, maybe others are too scared to say something, so maybe I should speak.
What did you want to say to me that you were too chicken to say?Nothing at that point. I wasn’t talking about saying things to you.
What were you thinking I needed to learn?I thought I was learning, not you. I don’t think you ‘need’ to learn anything, or if I do think that, I check myself and think, who made me God today? At least I try. Sometimes I post and when I read back I cringe. Or I cringe if someone points out to me that I’m acting like God. But I still do it I’m sure, we all do don’t we? No? Oh bugger.
What does it feel like to have hurt your friend?Horrible. Awful. Like I have a vein of pure badness running through me. A vein I didn’t know I had and finding it is like this person you thought you were, it’s not true. What you imagined you were isn’t true and the ego collapses. You become the worthless part that you’re trying to build on. Everything becomes impossible; you – I – can’t build up a true personality because all the groundwork is laid. It’s too tough. It might be a better idea just to fake it through life, live with the lies; the lies being that I’m okay, I am worthwhile. Because deep down I know that’s not true. All this learning, it’s icing, it’s not the core me. Yah, those are the sorts of thoughts – or feelings – that can run through I reckon. I’m typing them so I guess I must know a thing or two? Or have I spent too long reading? Luckily I know my intentions, I know I didn’t act out of spite, malice, envy, anger, rage, jealousy, or to enjoy someone else’s pain. I acted to help. I trusted Storm and didn’t ask for confirmations, I didn’t ask her to talk to me. I accepted the story in my head and that was really unrealistic. In other words I'm a nutter, but a 'good' nutter. haha!
How about we talk about how you have hurt me by betraying my confidence and violating my trust in you?I have hurt you by betraying your trust in me not to tell others what you say in private. I think that’s the same as violating your trust in me. How can I make it up?
Your reply above, Sela.
Yes remorse is what I felt, for sure. I centred the word in my head at the weekend. ‘Remorse’ kept flashing up at me. Sounds weird? It’s true. I thought “I bet this is remorse, I’m gonna check the definition”. Silly? Nope I want to identify each emotion as it occurs. And you know I’m a bit strange about words. How do we know we mean the same thing by ‘remorse’????
But it’s generous to share my feelings? Really? Now that is a new idea for me, truly. Wow, why the heck would anyone want to know my feelings, all of them? What an eye-opener! You mean (some) people in real life might want to know how I feel? How am I going to deal with this new knowledge?
And how can I possibly expect you to feel what I want? How insane is that?Not that insane Sela, aren’t we all shocked when we do something that we think someone might like, and they chuck it back at us? Assumptions, expectations.
Hang on P. How do you know what I can or can't understand?I don’t! I have no idea. Thanks Sela.

It’s intuition-feeling, not feeling-feeling.For me, when I act on intuition, I think afterwards and can trace it back but the head’s talking, that’s how it …..feels! With feelings, I feel it physically – not in my head - and then I know it’s emotion, not intuition based on experience and thoughts, memories. Huge difference for me. Feelings come from stomach, heart/chest area, knees, neck muscles, hands (sweating), teeth, other muscles..yes?. Heart-warming, joy – comes from the chest. Fear comes out all over. Remorse, guilt, sadness, confusion, envy mainly in my stomach. Add in anger and that comes out all over too through the veins. Rage is blood-red. Add rage to brain power and it becomes cold focussed revenge, horrible, I’ve experienced that feeling once or twice. Then there’s neutral anger? Anger pulled in and with thought applied, focussed but unemotional anger. I bet that takes a while to master!
But I’m going to think about feelings again now. Thank you ((((((((Sela)))))))).