Hiya Hoppy
I have a bit more time so thought I would expand on my previous post….
While I do believe that ask and you shall receive, and about visualisation techniques etc, I believe these are an aid and it is about your core belief system… believing that you are worthy of good things is a key to unlocking the good things if you like.
I’m going to use trying to get a new job because I feel it is easier to adapt this thinking to getting a new job, and because it is possibly a main relevant part of your life at the moment.
If you think, I am the best person for this job what’s your first thoughts… for me it was, what a conceited way to think, I’m thinking that I’m better than other people, that’s not a good thing to think…. But when I examined this more closely, I felt that actually no, I’m not saying I’m better than anyone else, just for this job I’m applying for I feel I’m the best person for it… I deserve a good job, and I can bring value to the company I’m applying for. If I was applying for something that was in a different sector, say nursing for example, I wouldn’t be the best person because I don’t have the training.
A job interview is a two way street…. It’s about the employer looking at if you have the right skills and experience (which they do from your CV which is why you get invited for an interview) and if they feel you would fit into their company, and for you it’s about seeing if you’d be happy working there, if you feel the job would suit you etc etc.
Once you genuinely feel you’re the best person for the job, instead of thinking I need this job otherwise I will lose my house, I won’t be able to do this, this and this…. Maybe try and think, I’m the best person for the job so all I need to do at this interview is show them I’m the best person for the job. Can you see yourself in the job? Can you see yourself doing well in the job? How do you show an employer that you’re the best person for the job? I feel it’s by showing them what you can bring to the role… giving examples of your current experience, of ways where you have added value to your previous roles, examples of where you have problem solved, how you problem solved, how you liaise with customers/clients/staff, areas where your ideas have changed a company for the better. You have a huge wealth of experience to draw on.
Another option is have you looked at the company you’re currently working for…. Are they recruiting in other areas of the business? Is there anything within your current company that you could apply for?
Another thing I wanted to share was this… I was chatting with a friend the other week. This is a very dear friend of mine, a lovely girl… and we were chatting about love, life etc, and she’s friends with many of her ex’s. Some of these people have treated her appallingly in my opinion and she’s still friends with them. She was supposed to move to America to be with this guy and then he dumped her a month before she was due to go, and she still talks to him about him and his new girlfriend, giving him advice etc. She said to me that life was too short to hold grudges, but I said I felt it wasn’t about holding a grudge, it was why should I spend my time still being friends with someone who obviously didn’t want to be with me? Obviously not everything is as black and white as this, but I do feel it is still a big key. Years ago I was with this guy for 3 years… loved him dearly and he broke my heart. He split up with me 3 days before Christmas, and while it was hard, it was also timing wise one of the best because I thought, “no one splits up with someone 3 days before Christmas unless they really mean it.” (and believe me this thought when round and round my head for quite a few months!) So when he got in touch 6 weeks later, this thought kept me going and kept me strong enough to defend myself if you like…. So I didn’t go back….
Gosh, I hope this doesn’t come across like I’m trying to tell you what to think Hops hon, because that isn’t my intention at all. When I was going through things with bio dad, one of the questions I asked him was “how does your belief system help you to grow throughout life?”. And I asked this question to myself too and shared the answer with him with examples… however his response was that his belief system did help him because of something which happened which he never did share with me, even though I asked him a few times if he would. I’m not saying share the answer as it’s a very personal question, but I do feel a good question to ask yourself.
My two cents anyway, and maybe some food for thought.
Take care
Love H&H xx