Author Topic: Non-conflict thread  (Read 6160 times)


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Re: Non-conflict thread
« Reply #30 on: June 19, 2006, 07:58:45 AM »

Where are the chicken wings

I had two types of wings--buffalo and honey teryaki for the grad party.  I made the teryaki, but bought the buffalo--both were very good.  My D and her friends really love wings.

Deep fried icecream?

I heard of deep fried twinkies, but is there such a thing?

Yes there is, but I have no clue how they prepare it, or even how it tastes.  Sela, do you have the recipe?  Deep fried twinkies sound utterly disgusting.

Ok now I get it since you freeze them in between.  I usually do baby back pork ribs since they are more meaty and tender, but I understand the non-pork eating situation.

Just saw Portia's post--do you know how the fried ice cream is made?



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Re: Non-conflict thread
« Reply #31 on: June 19, 2006, 08:13:00 AM »
Hi Brigid, I can’t believe it somehow… I mean….how do you? I guess you could whip a block out of the freezer really fast, dunk it in a thick batter mix and whack it into a deep fryer? But what would happen? Anyone willing to test this out? (me no, me no have a fryer, or a freezer.. and me also a wimp with hot fat!) But the Funkadelic song really does make me laugh – that was just a plug for their album!

If you manage it, I would love to try some…yum. 8)


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Re: Non-conflict thread
« Reply #32 on: June 19, 2006, 08:14:08 AM »
Droooooolllll.... dribble....
Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
Somehow, I feel better too!
Hugs r better when u share
So pass one on & show u care


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Re: Non-conflict thread
« Reply #33 on: June 19, 2006, 09:31:47 AM »
Okey dokey. I need a diet-priest thread!
What I want to eat:
breakfast: oatmeal w/pecans and blueberries or soy protein shake w/fruit
lunch: huge salad with six kinds of veggies plus sardines, or cheese or egg
dinner: soup and whole grain bread

How often I manage it for a week consistently:
never mind

What I ate this weekend:
a margarita
chocolate truffle cake with ice cream and raspberry sauce
next morning--two eggs over spinach and noodles with some bright yellow sauce I'm pretending was not hollandaise
two bowls of ice cream


What I had so far today:
breakfast: 1 SlimFast



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Re: Non-conflict thread
« Reply #34 on: June 19, 2006, 09:34:22 AM »
Hi Hello Hey all:

Yep.  Deep fried ice cream is a reality.  I've seen it (but never had the guts to try it).  I think it was at an Italian restaurant, years ago, that it passed closely by my face, on a tray, on it's way to some courageous person's stomach, and it was served in a dish drowning in chocolate sauce and smothered in whipping and nuts, with two of those long, skinny, chocolate rolled cookies, standing up proudly in the centre.
It looked like the biggest feast of fat grams going, at the time (I've since witnessed even fatter looking desserts).   Positively sinful!!

I'm not sure where the dish originates but I found this lovely Mexican one (there seems to be quite a few) and I thought I'd post it for any brave, totally unconcerned with fat -cook who wishes to give it a whirl.  It does look and sound very yummy.  I'm just too chicken to try digesting that many fat grams in one sitting (and I'd probably end up .....looking even rounder and greasyer than I already do  :D).

El Torito’s Deep-Fried Ice Cream

20 ounces chocolate chip ice cream

2 cups 4-grain flake cereal (or Corn Flakes), crushed fine

1 1/2 tablespoons sugar

3 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

2 eggs

1 teaspoon water

4 8-inch flour tortillas

Oil for deep-frying

Cinnamon mixed with sugar

Whipped cream

4 maraschino cherries

Form ice cream into 4 packed balls (no air spaces). Place on wax paper lined baking pan and freeze solid, 4 hours or longer. Mix cereal, sugar and cinnamon. Divide equally between 2 pie plates or other shallow containers. Beat eggs with water.

Roll each ice cream ball in cereal mixture and press coating into ice cream. Dip coated ball in egg wash, then roll in second container of cereal mixture. Again press coating onto ice cream. Freeze coated ice cream balls solid, 4 to 6 hours.

Shape each tortilla into hourglass form (with narrow waist) by cutting off curved slice from two opposite sides. One end will serve as base for ice cream. Other end will be decorative fan.

Heat oil in wok or large deep-fryer. Place tortilla between two ladles or large spoons of different sizes (smaller ladle on top). Place tortilla so that base end is cupped in larger ladle to form basket, with back of upper fan supported by handle of larger ladle. Deep-fry until crisp. Drain and sprinkle with cinnamon-sugar. Set aside.

Deep-fry frozen coated ice cream balls 30 to 45 seconds. Place each fried tortilla in large-stemmed glass, with fan part of tortilla standing vertically above glass. Set fried ice cream ball in base of tortilla. Top with dollop of whipped cream and decorate with cherry.

Yield: Makes 4 servings

Hahahaha!  PP: 
You could call her from in the house and ask for s'mores please   .

Hee, hee, that's what I would do!

Haha!!  And also, ask for a large order of chicken fried rice, while you're at it eh?  :D
I like this idea.........a lot.  :D

Hi Jac: 
I spent a couple of years as a vegan, and let me tell you, once you season tofu correctly, carnivores don't even no the difference!

Oh Jac!!  I need to know how!!  I keep trying to eat the stuff and I'm just not cooperating with myself.  I don't have the recipes or the skill or the stomach.  But I'd really like to find a way to make it.....eatable. :shock:  How?  How is it possible to make tofu anything but.......tofu???  Please tell???

Hey cat!  I forgot about this:

You don't get that fresh burned taste of a black marshmellow

A real feature of the professionally prepared gourmet s'more eh?  And also......the fact that while waiting, patiently for them to cook, people tend to indulge in too many just plain old roasted marshy's too eh?  It can be scary how much sugar some kids can consume without keeling over.  :shock:  And adults?  Depends on what else ( :shock: :D) they're consuming, I suppose.

Hi P!  Haven't heard of Funkadelic.  Looked up the lyrics of that song and wondered about this:   :shock: :shock:  "musical bowel movement".  :D

Thissssssss, I havvvvvve to hear!!  I like this line:  "Me burger with I sauce on it".

Sounds like what an N would order eh?  :D  Hahaha!

"I'll have one me burger with I sauce on it."

"What do you mean you don't serve those here??!!!  Ofcourse you do!!"

 :D Sela

PS:  Hi H&H!!  Here's a hankey. 
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Hey Hops: 
breakfast: 1 SlimFast

If it only lived up to it's name eh? 


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Re: Non-conflict thread
« Reply #35 on: June 19, 2006, 10:32:18 AM »
Thank you for finding the recipe.  I now remember that it is a Mexican dish.  Sorry, but I won't be giving that a try--not so much the fat issue, as it sounds like waaaaaaaaay too much work.  I like my recipes to have 5 ingredients or less and no more than 4 steps start to finish.  I'd be happy to indulge, however, if someone else would care to give it a whirl.

In my book, if you are toasting marshmellows, having them catch on fire and burn is not part of the process.  I endeavor to have them turn a lovely shade of brown with all the marshmellow melted on the inside so it squishes out when placed between the grahm crackers and chocolate.  OK, now I wish I had had one of those kids make me one the other night because I am in the mood.   :x

I'm off with my D for a couple of days to do college stuff.  Have a great week all.



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Re: Non-conflict thread
« Reply #36 on: June 19, 2006, 10:40:15 AM »

PS:  Hi H&H!!  Here's a hankey. 
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Thank you (((((Sela)))))
Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
Somehow, I feel better too!
Hugs r better when u share
So pass one on & show u care


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Re: Non-conflict thread
« Reply #37 on: June 19, 2006, 10:12:06 PM »

Can you hear that loud whooshing sound (cross between a vacuum and flushed toilet) of  my best intentions zipping out the window now that I have a genuine fried ice cream recipe? There they go, ohh I think I'll only miss them when the ice cream's done.  :(


Yes, it would be romantic if my H. would give up his one dead rat for me. The sad truth is, for all his devotion and selflessness in other areas, if we were down to one rat, Mr. LoH would chow down. Maybe I'd get the tail. It's an Achilles' gut thing, like Sela said.

Thus, the best remedy for an empowered woman is to learn to make fried ice cream and avoid marrying a junkyard cat. Thanks to both of you for illuminating my path to serenity and higher fat content...which hopefully, will be free of dead rats, or chary capybaras.



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Re: Non-conflict thread
« Reply #38 on: June 19, 2006, 11:50:36 PM »

 :lol: :lol: :lol:



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Re: Non-conflict thread
« Reply #39 on: June 20, 2006, 12:15:30 AM »
So I guess I could have just posted the doggy thing here? Sorry for globbing things up with a new thread on dogs. Dogs are very low conflict, they belong here. But now this is the epicurian thread, so I don't know.

Hops, you and I have the same diet: great intentions...and that road to hell is covered in chocolate.
I ate an entire box of dark chocolate covered cranberries in the last 2 days. Help me.


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Re: Non-conflict thread
« Reply #40 on: June 20, 2006, 08:10:43 AM »
Mum, that sounds delicious. Seriously. Never seen those here. (Cranberries are GOOD for you!)

Almost as good as a deep fried dead rat. Dipped in chocolate and coconut. The tail would make a great fondue handle.  :shock:

Y'know, I think this image might help me get back on course....
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Non-conflict thread
« Reply #41 on: June 20, 2006, 08:12:02 AM »
PS--WHAT doggie thing? Did I miss it? I crave doggie stories!

(OOOO! never mind...just spotted it...)  :D
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Non-conflict thread
« Reply #42 on: June 21, 2006, 10:38:47 AM »
Hi all:

Hey Stormy.  I just wanted to invite you over here, in case there is a chance that you feel like it.  As far as I'm concerned, I just want peace.  Not at the price of honesty.  Nope.  Just honest peace.  I think it's honest to admit wanting peace.

There are three kinds of peace-offering: (1) the thank-offering (); (2) the votive-offering (); and (3) the free-will offering (). The thank-offering is a response to acts of divine beneficence; the votive and the free-will sacrifices are connected with the expectation of benefit; but the significance of the thank-offering is wider than that of the other two. The votive offering is prompted by a feeling of gratefulness at the fulfilment of a petition; while the free-will sacrifice, which has the character of complete voluntariness, has its origin not so much in the gratitude elicited by a happy experience as in the spontaneous motive of piety.

from:  the (Makes me almost wish I were Jewish). here spontaneous free-will peace offering:

I'm very sorry for anything I've said that has hurt you or upset you.  I care about your feelings.  I'm not interested in who's done what or any more ping pong (I'm lousy at it anyway and will probably end up with a ball up my nose).  I'm interested in Serious Strawberry Soup and Deep Fried Icecream and ......other sweet stuff ( :D).  I can't help it.  I have a strong sense of humour.  I'm serious and kidding around because I'd also like to see you smile (but I don't have eyes in my pc so I'll have to imagine/hope for the possibility  :D).

I have no desire or intent to harm you.  I want to make up.  But I don't think it's just up to me.  It does take two to tango.... so you'll have to decide what you want.  My expectation is that you will do what you decide.  I don't believe there are many absolutes thus my reasoning that you may decide to post here.

I'm away now until probably Thurs. eve (unless stuff in my life changes, which it could but I'm not counting on it).
