Hiya H&H
Good move imo. This is important stuff eh? Well I think so and not fair or polite or nice to do it on Jac’s thread and what’s more it can focus on you without worrying about going off topic, so all in all, a great move! Being selfish and self-respecting is darn good because somehow..it makes me feel good too. When you respect yourself, I respect you too and somehow…I get to respect myself in the process. Weird. Reciprocal I guess.

Anyway, to the bones. Oh dear, I got a bit annoyed reading. I was re-living not just my family, but my neighbour’s family too. It’s so easy to see what’s awry and yet when others laugh it off, I feel confused and like I’m the one seeing it ‘wrong’….here goes..
I was quite hurt as you can maybe imagine, to have your family be about a mile from where you work, 18 miles from where you live and not bother even to call you or let you know or make an effort to see you. Yes. Mother has done this to me and it stings. But I didn’t say anything, I observed that she doesn’t think it’s odd. She thinks it’s okay because all that matters to her is what’s happening to her. I’ve reached the point now where if she’s happy and not bad-mouthing me, hey, that’s good. I just want to be left alone. I don’t need the hard work that seeing her entails. It’s not fun, it’s hard work and it has an emotional toll. I’d rather be kind to myself.
If you don’t enjoy these visits now in any way (be very honest with yourself), you don’t have to continue. These family habits seem to grab hold and nobody wants to be the one who says ‘no’. Careful planning can deal with it, if you ever want to. Easy option: next year, arrange to be away. Even invent a friend’s engagement party or something, so that you won’t be around and they can’t visit. Once the cycle is broken, it’ll be easier to say yes or no the year after. I did this with Christmas visits and now I don’t go near any family, unless I choose to. I’m sorry H&H this is painful stuff. But it seems it’s painful having them visit? You’ve thought about your dad and now your brain is working on your other family members and that’s got to hurt. I am sorry.
Mum kinda laughed and said she didn’t realise and Stepdad said oh…. No surprises that my brother thinks it’s ok to do this as no one’s actually said, that’s rude.I don’t doubt your brother respects the man of the house when your H is around. He’s weak and opportunistic and both your parents haven’t helped I would guess. Mum refuses to take any responsibility for brother’s actions and stepdad said Oh? Or did he say your brother thinks it’s okay to do that? Either way your stepdad isn’t taking responsibility either.
a “this is lovely, thank you” is nicer if it’s not prodded if you know what I mean.I know what you mean. A genuine appreciation of your hard work and love (food is love) as opposed to a thank you that sounds like it’s been given grudgingly, or as a gift to you, a thing they bestow on you….from their superior position. Sorry, that’s me projecting there from my experience.
so I discreetly said to her that did she realise that we could see up her skirt when she sat like that. She said Oh, me and Dad were talking about that…. Is that why H moved?, so I said yes, and she laughed. This made you cringe, your mother doing this. I would have cringed too. I saw a woman (ex-wife, mother etc) doing this recently. I actually intervened physically between her and the object of her …ahem …exposure and left both parties (the guy was looking, a bit drunk and in front of his wife too) in no doubt that I’d seen and understood. Because I cared about the other folks present, hers and his kids and so on. Anyway. What your mother does is her problem. Not yours. Yes she has problems and her laughing is laughing at your embarrassment and enjoying that she thinks your H was embarrassed (do I need to spell out what she thinks here.....?)…..gosh this is horrible stuff. I hope it’s not too much? It can be. I don’t know though, it’s my opinion from words you’ve written, I don’t really know eh? You know your family and I don’t. I can just throw ideas and suggestions and opinions around. I like your H though, he’s so cool with his reactions.

Oh H&H. It’s not easy is it? I don’t think so. But it gets easier I’m sure. This isn’t just an uneasy event; it’s indicative of a lot, as ever, I guess maybe it’s allowing yourself to think about it, see it for what it is, decide if you want it in your life and if so, how to deal with it differently – so that you feel better, less emotionally drained when you see these folks.?
How do you feel? Maybe you’ll have dreams this weekend. I have dreams at critical points now. Had an amazing one in the week. I had killed a woman and was taking her body around with me everywhere, having to hide it because I was a murderer. Eventually this body became a bit fetid and I was caught trying to move her again. The people who caught me shot me and as I was shot…I was happy. Weird huh? I think I was carrying around the old me, some old skin of self and desperately hanging on to it (although I've killed it!), and that shot released me, another me, from the one that wanted to hang on to the past me. Either that or I’d eaten too many pickled gherkins and cheese before bed!!