Just getting to this one. I think I learned to be a quitter as a child. It seemed like quitting was encouraged because then it meant less for my parents to have to do. Quitting dancing lessons, music lessons, etc. Then my parents wouldn't have to give me rides or go to performances or pay for costumes and instruments. It's possible I would have become resentful if I had been forced to continue with things that I seemed to be losing interest in. But with any interest there will be lulls in interest and enthusiasm. I wish I had learned how to rise above that as a child.
I also have stayed with things too long in order to NOT be a quitter. Jobs that made me miserable, groups that turned out not to be the right fit. I learned from these experiences, sure. But also wasted much time spinning my wheels and feeling stressed.
Balance--that is the trick to it.
The last few years, I have been flitting. And I believe it might be a symptom of depression with me. Losing interest in things that I was formerly enthusiastic about--I think that is why I have been flitting. Starting projects and then abandoning them. Having goals and then thinking in defeating ways and abandoning the goals. Everything feeling like WORK instead of fun. Everything feeling like "have to".
I haven't done any cross stitch in years. Used to love it. Don't read books anymore and used to love that. Haven't journaled in months, though I think this place has taken over where that left off. My gardens need more of me than they are getting. Cooking--haven't done much of that the last few years. My job has effected a lot of this too. Odd hours, physical work, on my feet all the time. My father was ill for a long time and needed a lot of help. After all that, I'm just plain tired. Still though, I do have spare time. But I use it for day-dreaming quite often.
I don't judge myself too harshly for quitting things. It feels like I'm in some kind of transition. If I'm depressed at times, well, I'm just trying to learn from it. Hopefully, I will find soon the things that make me feel alive, so much so, that I WANT to do these things more. Right now, just trying not to be too hard on myself.