Most definitely - "what goes on in this house STAYS in this house...or ELSE!" In my teenage years, when it was appropriate for me to "experiment" to learn who I was, there were two situations where my Ndad found out certain things, and actually told me that if anyone found out, we'd have to move to a different state, he'd lose his job, and our family would be virtually pariahs, because of my absolutely normal curiosity and behavior.
We were only allowed to think "his" thoughts, because those were the only thoughts that were right, only allowed to voice "his" opinions because, of course, he didn't really believe in opinions, only in black & white "rules". He treated mom that way, too, and I'm just now realizing that she spent 54 years as an extremely emotionally abused woman.
We spent so much time walking around that big "elephant in the living room",

never acknowledging when it would leave a pile of steaming dung,

that I'm just now trying to learn to trust my own instincts and knowledge, and that I actually have the right to have my own feelings, opinions, and knowledge, even if it's different than Ndad's.
I've gone thru most of my 48 years not trusting my gut instinct, my perfectly decent brain, my emotions, my opinions...I feel like I've spent most of my life as a "nobody", obviously with no VOICE!
What a horribly hateful way to live...and what a freeing feeling to find out I'm not committing a horrible crime to have my OWN opinion, raise my kids in the way I see fit, not his way of "putting them thru the school of hard knocks at home, to toughen them up, because if you don't, the world will tear them apart!" Raise my kids with love and acceptance?

No, that doesn't fly with Ndad, and I've had to cut off all contact between him and my kids, as he was trying his best to turn them into "nobodies", too. That they're boys was even worse, cause they could NEVER measure up to his perfection.
"Don't ask, Don't tell, Don't Think, Don't Feel, Don't LIVE!" is the way I was raised...but I finally see that I'm not a mute nobody, and I owe it to myself, and my sons, to take the responsibility to fix the damage that's been done....and that Ndad STILL tries to do!
It's a dirty job, but *I* have to do it! And I'm proud to be able to believe I'm up for the task, no matter how hard it is, or how long it takes.