Hi, I am new to this board. My parents are narcissistic. My siblings are in a certain amount of denial and have their own very abusive ways. Even though I have been attempting to deal with my family issues my whole adult life, I only found out about NPD in the last 4 years. After speaking to my uncles, I understand that my father's parents were basically alcoholics. Everyone always downplayed it by saying that they were 'drinkers'.
After reading Dr. Grossman's articles, I understand that, yes indeed, my main issue it that they have never 'heard' me and they still do not.
I have suffered with a major health condition my whole adult life and my parents have never helped me with this or taken any interest what so ever, which is amazing to me. They are highly self-involved and emotionally abusive. If you need anything from them, that is when it gets really bad.
My siblings get along with them basically because my sister caters to them and my brothers just keeps a safe, but delusional distance. My siblings think I am difficult because I do not play along with the family myths. I was chosen to be the family scapegoat. My brother got alot more support in life, while I basically got any crumbs that were left over.
It was a horrible way to grow up. I recently told them that I was not a part of the family any longer due to many horrible things that happened with them over the last 3-4 years. It is not a great position for me to be in. I am 40 and have never married due to my illness. There is both pain and relief in fully distancing myself form them.
Even though I tried to heal myself early in my adult life, I can see now that I did not get the best answers. My pattern has been just as Dr G. writes about. I have been attracted to Ns and always end up getting so hurt and disappointed. It is a most devastating legacy to be handed to say the least.
I am embarking on a new healing program for my body which is working, but I am finding that I am so depressed from my history and such, that I am having a hard time pulling myself out of it.
Something happened lately with a N person that I invested a lot in and again, like Dr. G talks about, it has made all the older bad memories resurface.
I really want to move out of this for good. Any suggestions?