I couldn't agree with you MORE on this one.
Although the scenes of the guy beating on the girl were done realistically, and showed the "badness" of domestic violence, it did not make it right for the lady to beat the abuser and scald him either in the end. I don't see where those two wrongs made a right at all!
I was just saying that, regarding the mother and the abusive husband, the movie really defined what narcissism is all about...the mother even said "I gave you EVERYTHING!" to the daughter that she let her husband molest years before that. She told the daughter that she bought her the best clothes, sent her to the best schools, got her into every program or whatever...it was that "after all I've done for YOU!" What the daughter couldn't forget, that colored her life, was what the mother did TO HER, not FOR her. Children need LOVE, trust, security, not mainly the best of material things. If they can have lots of those attributes and less of the other, all the better. I speak from experience.
Just my own view on things.