And I also realize it could be a mistake in my perception that all these posts are directed at me, they're just vents or attempts to describe personal Lessons Learned - for the sake of helping others -
There is much more to respond to, but this I wanted to address right away. In no way was this post directed at anyone in particular. Have you been party to some of the controversy here recently? Yes, but the same could be said for most of us at one point or another. It is a learning experience--both directly experiencing it and observing it. I think watching the resolution--if there is one--is also a wonderful learning experience for the participants and observers. I don't, however, see much point in trying to reignite the controversy with baiting and sarcasm. Those types of posts are better left in your head and off your fingers, imo.
But we all make mistakes, say things we regret, take offense where none was intended, and react more negatively toward some people than others. Because of our established relationships with members of this board--be they positive, negative or neutral--we "hear" things being said to us differently. We tend to listen to those we respect and care about, and perhaps blow off or flare up at those we have more negative feelings about. I'm as guilty of this as the next person and of course, this is human nature, and affects all aspects of our lives--not just what happens on this board.
Thank you for researching the actual numbers of new people who are joining this board. It is interesting to see that so many have joined, but I still have to wonder why we have not heard from many of them. It seemed to me that back when you and I were new here, that there were new posters every week and they did tend to hang around for awhile. A few of us diehards are still here, but many have left.
I, personally, have missed the new posters with their stories and seeking help to understand and recover. I thought that was the purpose of this board and it seems we are moving away from that. I agree that that is the nature of group dynamics, but if the mission here is to help victims of narcissism, without a facilitator to keep us on track, we are shifting the focus based on the needs of a few more vocal members than perhaps the needs of greater numbers who are not as willing, for whatever reason, to make their needs and desires known.
But I am not the facilitator, nor do I have any control whatsoever over what takes place here. These are my observations as someone who has been here for awhile, who is a bit older than most here, and who is mostly recovered from the injuries of my abusers. I'm not sure even why I still come here, but I feel compelled on a regular basis and even to post once in awhile. There are people here that I care about and who care about me. That is reason enough for now to hang around.
I will address more later.
Added on edit--just had to add that spending the afternoon holding hands with my b/f while watching Orlando and Johnny on the big screen can really make a rainy day quite bright.