Hi Brigid
It's interesting - I was thinking just yesterday how surprised I was at the folks who have shown up here lately because the discussions have drawn them in.
Wouldja believe? 44 new members joined between June 1 and today, I just looked at the memberlist. Really, 44. They're not talking a lot - but I don't know what the ratio of lurkers to posters normally is. But 44 folks in 66 days ain't bad... I think there is something positive going on, for people to still be signing up like that, there must be.
Maybe the activity here is actually drawing people closer.
Groups develop in stages.
There's forming, when they first come together and have kind of a honeymoon, and then storming [no, I swear that's not why I picked my name, it never even crossed my mind] where they discover places of friction and conflict and the honeymoon ends...
What comes next is crucial, either the group backs away from the storming process because it's too unpleasant, or they push through and come out on the other side --- if a group never weathers its storm, it stalls, and people just kind of hang out and try to recreate the honeymoon phase. That's fine for a cybercafe but might not be so good for a recovery group.
Because only after the storm comes the group integration phase where there is an increase of morale, mutual trust, and self-disclosure, and people bring things out to work on and that goes faster and deeper than it ever did, and the results last and last. [Norming and performing, in the model I'm referring to - Tuckman, 1965.] [Added on edit: it's not all work either, there's plenty room for play, and as a bonus the playing doesn't end in tears as often either, because of the new awareness people have.]
I don't think we've ever gotten through a storm... not this group, earlier ones may have...
but oh dear lord, i hope, i pray, this time we might.
and I'm worried sick that I've just hexed this process by articulating it... please god, not.
and I'm not sure how this process works in cyberspace, where groups aren't static, they flow, folks come in and out at any time... but I swear, I feel it trying to happen here... I swear I do.
and no, I'm really truly not a mental health professional... I'm part of this, I'm trying to keep an even keel on these seas too, holding fast to my sea anchor, and praying like mad.
And I started looking for this information a couple of weeks ago... I didn't remember any of this, although a therapist did mention those four stages to me once, long ago.