Dear Hope,
I guess I am unclear about how you are feeling--not just about this discussion, but also what may be going on in your own life. It sounds like some kind of inner confusion that is causing you to question your own feelings and beliefs or perhaps the way you react to beliefs of others. I probably have that all wrong, but as Penelope said, it sounds like you're possibly in a break-through mode.
I'm sorry if I caused the resentment or dissatisfaction--that was certainly not my intent. Nor was it to shame or single out or point fingers. I was just trying to give those quiet, shy voices a chance to come out of the woodwork and feel safe, if only for a moment. I wanted to encourage those who were not sharing their stories, to do so. To assure them that we value what they have to say and want to help. It would not be at the expense of those already here, but a wonderful addition and some new perspectives. That's all.
Why I feel the need to do that is my problem, issue or lot in life. I'm sure it is also why I care so much about the defenseless animals and children of the world. It is my nature to nurture those who are not as strong. I am not always so strong myself, but maybe I can fake it better. I dunno.
If I can offer any help in your current dilemma, please feel free to lean on me. Sometimes I can have really big shoulders.