I'm absolutely fine Moon, thanks for worrying about me but honestly- I'm really well.
I am sorry you are upset, PM me if you like, I'll be back online tonight.
I've been thinking earlier about what people are always telling me about not trusting my ex. I am always being encouraged to engage him in conflict, people call it 'stick up for yourself'.
To become enlightened in Zen is apparently a complex simple thing: a person must simply remove their doubt that they are not enlightened. That's a pretty powerful life metaphor for me, letting go of uncertainty to attain certainty, but maybe not the certainty I thought!
Conflict is random, however much it seems reasoned and reasonable- there's no way of controlling the energy we unleash and everyone becomes unable to see reflections clearly as the waters become more agitated.
I hung a Crucifix in my home last week. Of course, it's now just my home and my son's, but I have never been able to hang one before when I lived with my ex because he hates religion and would be angry. I just couldn't hang it for many years until I was sure my intention in doing so wasn't partially to provoke that inevitable response in him.
I told my son about it yesterday, he asked me why I put it up now, and laughed out loud when I said 'it's not the purest of motives for displaying the Cross, it'll make your husband furious!'
Even if it seems entirely legitimate and someone else's problem, I know it harms me too, makes me part of something I don't need to be.
I may not be able to trust my ex and his motives or behaviour, but I want to be able to trust me and mine.
Take care everyone. It's a beautiful day, who's up for a walk?!