Thanks Dr. G,
I would just like to again thank you for this board. It is an amazing place where infinite (some lovely and some not-so-inviting) realizations can occur. My own past board conflicts taught me a lot about me, mostly about how I deal with criticism, being reprimanded, or being called on inconsistencies. My life literally changed when I began to visit this board, as I came to know there were tons of others just like me, severely affected by the Ns in their life. I realize that we are all in the same boat really and that there are myriad ways of dealing with that reality [having Ns in your life] . The board conflicts are upsetting, true. The anger, depression, frustration, insensitivity, fear, mistrust, dislike, disrespect, inconsideration that was a part of the N relationships we endure(d) and are a major part of what gets reflected here on the board. I know I've done it, myself. But the reason I've come back after two significant breaks from the board is because there's something you see here that you will never see with your favorite N: resolution, apologies, and forgiveness. Shucks, one of the very first personalities I rumbled with became one of my favorite, most steady, and true buddies on the entire board. Granted, I believe there comes among us the occasional poster who uses familiar Ntactics to enrage and incense possibly just for the heck of it. But for the most part, we the victims of Ns, are sensitive to one another's plight and we truly want to see progress for each other, at least I do.
I'm all for taking the occasional "break" from the board, sometimes it's necessary, in order to re-gain perspective, and perform that thing that would rule out whether or not we have become the Ns we abhor: Self-evaluation. The "break" is also good when you're having that 'why does this always happen to me?' moment. It gives you an opportunity to observe the patterns of the board and the ebb and flow of energy that's constantly taking place here. I like to think of this place as I think of life, it's a smorgashboard, [you know those huge buffet thingy's], you can eat what you'd like and leave the crap you can't stand right there on the ice for someone else who loves it or needs it. Thanks again Dr. G.
Take care everyone,